Chapter 2

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On my way there, I managed to trip and fall flat on my face. I hope no hot guys saw me... WAIT A SECOND, WHERE THE HECK AM I? I did not recognize the streets at all. In fact, I noticed it was a forest trail or something. I turned back and walked, just to see if I had taken a wrong turn. Dammit, I think I'm lost. All I could see was a precarious hut with a straw roof and a hideous beach. Taking a closer look, I also saw a little wooden sign with "Tibet" written on it.

I wonder what that means. Must be a bad omen... I was sure I heard of that name in Geography class.

"Oh well." I sighed, going up to the little hut. I hope the natives are friendly. Mysteriously, the rotting wooden door opened by itself. Creepy. Not hesitating, I entered, only to be greeted by the same guys from yesterday. Hydro election, is it? Silly, me, how could I forget something as important as that?

"Hello, natives! I had no idea you guys looked so much like One Direction."

"Well, we are." they said in chorus, all doing a belly-flop on the mud. I just noticed that this is actually a six-star hotel. An indecently-dressed maid (but who am I to say so?) came up to me and asked if I wanted a Shark massage.

"Excuse me, m'aam, but I have no clue what the Twix that is." I answered, in a monotonous and sincere fashion. The maid (whose name happened to be Bedandbreakfastneexa) proceeded to give me a brief explanation on the Shark massage.

"It's a massage that will clean up your lymphatic system with neurotic sharks."

"And how do they clean up my psychotic system?" I asked, curious to know.

"Well, I will put baby sharks and One Direction to bite your gluteus for twenty minutes." she replied, wise as always.

"Ok, can we start now?"

Fifteen minutes later, I was starting to regret it.

"Ouch, that hurts" I haplessly screamed as the sharks (and the hot guys) nibbled my [flat, but don't tell anyone] booty.

"Just five minutes to go." said Bedandbreakfastneexa, who I decided to call Babs.

After the torture ended, I put on some decent clothes that barely covered my underwear and went for a swim in the polluted sea. Upon coming back, the blonde dude led me to a futuristic-looking room with gigantic pea-pod thingies.

"If you stay in one of these pea-pod thingies, you will become more beautiful." he said.

"Great!" I celebrated. As long as it would make me beautiful, I didn't care. Foolish me.

After falling asleep in one of those thingamabobs, I left.


(Translation: Help!! I think that maniac brainwashed me into believing that I am a chicken. But wait- I AM a chicken. Or did he brainwash me? I have no idea, because I think I'm a chicken but I certainly don't look like one. What does a chicken even look like? A dragon?)


Magically, the author interefered with the story.

"Hush, now. Go to the coop" she said, beckoning Mandy into the chicken coop.

"Now, YOU GUYS have some serious explaining to do!" she shouted.

They gulped.

How the chicken were they going to brainwash Mandy into thinking she was human?

*Pause for drama*

And the chapter ended there.

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