Chapter 3

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"Ahem. We are now returning to Brainwashed By One Direction, ladybugs and gentleflies or something." coughed a tired-sounding author. To add depth and personality to the show, a ballet-dancing whale played alarmingly loud techno.

In the background, an old hag in a pink wig did the Te-Yut-Te choreography with One Direction, the latter drinking a cocktail of lemonade with sour milk and sardines. Delicious.

When the ruckus finally ended, the author proceeded to juggle flinging tomatoes at the crowd AND tie the now-brainwashed Mandy to a chair. Poor chair.

Furiously, Mandy pecked at it with her nose. It could have been considered perfectly normal behaviour until she managed to untie herself. In the process of doing so, the chair was broken and the aroma of fried chicken could be smelt. Or was it the smell of trouble?

As the brainwashed main character fled for no apparent reason, scary-looking toad-like camel thingies appeared and began to surround her. Mandy did not appear to be afraid of them, which surprised the author, One Direction and a bystanding Yorkshire Terrier called Karma who belonged to somebody.

To the astonishment of all, flowers began to fall from the sky as Mandy was lifted into a hot dog-shaped spaceship. This was going too far. First, kidnapped, brainwashed and now abducted. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. The author needed to collaborate with One Direction to save the hopeless blonde.

With the usual unreal cliche story efficiency and rapidness, the team came up with genius ideas to save the damsel. Just damsel, because she didn't appear to be in distress.

To carry out the plan, however, certain things were required.

Certain things which included:

-A person who claimed to be "psychic"

-Two and a half watermelons, preferably with few seeds

-Hyper-intelligent chickens that could detect brain waves and stuff.

The first two wouldn't be too hard to find. A look around town would probably do it. For the third, more work would be required. Luckily, there was a candidate available.

"You see, my neighbours had this weeeeeird chicken when I was a kid. There were claims that it had detected ghouls and that sort of crap, made heavenly pancakes and washed the dishes. Not sure if they were true, though." said the One Direction guy the author could no longer identify.

"I think it's worth a try"

"I agree", one of the members piped.

"Me too!" shouted the enthhusiastic one with messy hair.

"Me three!" exclaimed the one who had an abundant supply of hair gel.

Of course, the controversial one kept to himself and simply shook his head. Nobody, however, paid attention to him, which meant "Operation Chickenlord" would be carried out. In the mood of things, the author wore a military-print jersey and a strange bandana to match the theme.

They were ready for action.


A/N: yeah, cliffhangers. They suck, don't they?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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