Baby Stories

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"And that one is James."

James turned at the sound of his name, golden hair flowing around his shoulders in waves. He waved and Mihawk waved back.

"My grandbabies are so cute."

"Aren't they just?" Sanji smiled at the thought of his children. His and Zolo's.

"Zolo was adorable when he was small..."

Sanji looked over at his father-in-law to see he was looking at a small picture. Sanji looked over at it and saw a picture of Zolo when he was still too small to walk on his own.


Mihawk gave a small smile then reached in his pocket and offered something to Sanji. It was a copy of the photo.

"Yeeeeeessss!" Sanji put it in an inside pocket, almost dying from how cute a baby Zolo was. "Even then he had so much forehead."

"Zolo's had a big forehead through every stage of his life."

"Hehe. Yeah, I can see that."

"And he was so sweet when he was little..."

"Do tell."


"Alright. Well, when he was learning to walk, he thought that he had to hold onto me, or his legs wouldn't work."

"Come on, sweetie, stand up."

Mihawk tried to get his son to walk, but the little moss refused to move. Sighing, the swordsman gently took hold of the child's small hands and pulled him to his feet.

Zolo gripped his father's pinkie and took a few wobbly steps.

"There you go..." But when Mihawk pulled his hand from Zolo's, the boy sat down with a whump!

"Zolo, honey, stop it." Mihawk lifted the boy up and put him on his feet, but he just sat down again.

Giving up, Mihawk sighed and sat down. After a second, he felt a small hand grab onto his. He looked down to see his son, finally standing up, thumb in his mouth, one hand gripped firmly onto his father's.

Mihawk scooped the boy up into his arms, grinning like an idiot. "Hey, Zolo."

"Hey, Da."


"That sounds like the cutest thing to ever happen." Sanji held one hand over his heart.

"It really was."

"So what happened between you two then? If you don't mind me asking."

Mihawk shrugged. "You've met him. I was better than him, in a lot of things. Still am. He couldn't take it, so he left, blamed me when things went wrong." He sighed. "I love him, but... Well, he's just about the most stubborn person I've ever met."

Sanji nodded. "Isn't he just...?"

His Marimo   (Sanji X Zolo)Where stories live. Discover now