The Best Lost Homework Excuse Ever

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One warm spring night I was doing my homework when there was a knock on the door. On my way to open it I tripped over a toy my brother had left in the hallway and hit my head on the door. I immediately blacked out!

When I woke up it was morning and I was in my bed. Someone must have put me there during the night. My head was throbbing so I took two Advil and got dressed for school. When I walked by the dining room table my homework was still sitting there half done.

"Oh, no," I said a bit too loud.

"What’s wrong honey?" My mom came hurrying up to me with a piece of toast and a concerned look on her face. "Is your head, OK?"

"Yeah I just didn't get to finish my homework."

"Well you'll have to finish it on the bus. Now take your breakfast and go or you'll be late," she said as she hurried me out the door. I stepped outside into the blistering sun. Today was going to be hot. I climbed onto the bus and took my seat. I had to let some air in so I opened the window and got started on my homework.

As the overgrown rotting banana picked up speed so did the wind. I was almost done when someone behind me tapped my shoulder. When I let go of the paper so I could turn around, it flew out of the window and floated away.

"Oh no!" I screeched. With quick thinking, I pulled a hang glider out of my backpack and jumped out the window flying after it.

I kept the paper in site as I sail the winds. I came closer and closer. I was just about to grab my homework when a lightning storm started. The rain pelted down and lightning bolted across the sky. I had to land and when I got down I saw my assignment plastered to the road. I was about to pick it up when a car zoomed by and my paper got stuck to the wheel and was gone. "NOOOOO!" I screamed in frustration.

I had to get out of this rain! I ran under a bus shelter just as a lightning bolt illuminated the sky, coming down to earth and hitting the spot were I had just stood. A fire started, its flams leaping and dancing in the rain. But not long after it started the downpour wiped it out like a plague wipes out a town. Then there was another flash of light, but this time it wasn’t lighting. A zookeeper drove up in his jeep and warned everyone that all the animals from the local zoo escaped and are COMING FOR YOU! As he finished talking a herd of different animals came running out of the woods trampling all the undergrowth. Everyone started screaming and running for their lives. I looked around to find a place where I could hide.

Suddenly there was a deep growl from behind a bush. A lion hopped out with my homework in its mouth! It growled and snarled and my homework was full of drool. At this point the paper was so gross there was no point in getting it back, so I ran for my life. I could feel the lion’s hot breath on my ankles. I was so close to the school’s front doors, just a couple more steps and I would be safe. Just as I grabbed the handle a searing white-hot pain shot through me as the lion ripped the flesh from my leg. I jumped into the school and slammed the door in the lions face forcing him to let go of my leg. I then hobbled to my classroom where I collapsed in my chair.


"So you see Ms. B that's why I don't have my Homework."

"No excuses. I expect another report written in full on my desk tomorrow morning. You will also receive ten points off the assignment for it being a day late!" Ms. B replied.

"But, how do you explain my leg..."

"I said no excuses! Now go sit down!"

I slumped down in my seat. Adults never believe anything.

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