Chapter Twenty One

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Shadestar yowled as she laid in the nursery. Her kits were coming and Echofoot had her three kits close to her, with her tail wrapped around them. Stormfall was probably pacing outside of the den. Shimmerleaf emerged in the den and set borage leaves down next to her. Aspenberry had her paws on her belly.

"They're almost here." Aspenberry meowed.

"Can't they hurry up?" Shadestar snapped. She was crabby and she yowled again.

"Shh. Push." Shadestar pawed at her face with her paw as she pushed. A mewling kit was heard.

"Shekit!" The kit was licked and then placed at shadestar's  belly.

"Again." Aspenberry encouraged. She pushed and there was another mewling kit.

"Another shekit! Again! There's two more, Shadestar ." Aspenberry meowed." She pushed. "Another she kit! Just one more. One more push." She pushed. "Another she kit!" Shadestar relaxed and pulled her daughters closer to her, there were four of them.

"Eat these." Shimmerleaf meowed. "They will help with your milk." She pushed the herbs toward her. Shadestar nodded and she ate the herbs. Stormfall pushed his way through.

"Shadestar!" He meowed happily. He nuzzled her and then looked down at the kits and he licked them. "They're so beautiful. Echofoot's only daughter scampered over.

"They're so tiny! Can I name one?" The most curious one, Rainkit meowed. Echofoot pulled her back gently.

"No dear." Echofoot meowed. Shadestar  licked her kits some more to fluff their fur.

"Our kits are so beautiful." Stormfall meowed rubbing against her cheek. Shadestar nodded. She was exhausted.

"Shall we name them?" She asked. Stormfall nodded.

"Okay." She meowed tiredly. She looked at the beautiful shekits. She smiled and looked at the small light brown shekit.

"She shall be Oakkit." Shadestar purred. "She looks like Oakbriar." She meowed. Stormfall was purring loudly. He licked the calico shekit who looked a lot like shadestar  herself.

"She shall be Sweetkit." He meowed. Shadestar smiled weakly. She licked the light gray tabby shekit.

"I would like to call her Pebblekit." She meowed. Stormfall nodded. He licked the orange and white shekti.

"And she shall be Lilykit." He meowed. She smiled.

"Such beautiful name for such beautiful kits." Aspenberry meowed. "We should let her rest now. She's had a very long day."

"I'll see you in the morning." Stormfall purred as Shadestar curled around her kits, and her eyes closed as she fell into a deep slumber.


"Weeeeee!" Lilykit squealed as she slid of Shadestar's  back in the nursery. They were only a couple of days old and they were energetic little balls of life. Pebblekit pounced on her tail. Oakkit rolled around in the moss and Sweetkit was curled up against Shadestar, asleep.

"Visitors for Shadestar!" She looked up to see Oakbriar, Stormfall and Stormheart. Shadestar  chuckled. Lilykit stood up and bounded over to Stormfall. Sweetkit woke up and sat up. Pebblekit pounced on Stormheart's tail and Oakkit stopped rolling around and sat up, and bits of moss stuck in her fur. Shadestar sighed softly and picked out the bits of moss stuck in Oakkit's fur. Oakbriar walked over and nuzzled her sister.

"They're beautiful! And you have four daughters! " she said excitedly. Shadestar nodded.

"Hey! I look like you!" Oakkit boasted to Oakbriar. The older shecat chuckled.

"That you do, little one." Sweetkit stayed close to Shadestar. She was the shy one, and she looked a lot like her mother. Oakkit grinned. Pebblekit played with Stormfall's tail. His eyes glowed in happiness.

"What do you got there Pebblekit?" Stormfall asked. Lilykit jumped on Stormheart. The other gray tom fell over dramatically.

"Help! Help! I've been attacked!" Stormheart meowed. Lilykit purred loudly. Shadestar shook her head. Lilykit was the most energetic of the bunch.

"How are you feeling, dear sister?" Oakbriar asked as Oakkit went to play with Rainkit. Stormheart and Lilykit were playing and so were Pebblekit and Stormfall . Sweetkit stayed curled up next to Shadestar.

"Tired, but overall, great. I had no idea how great it would feel to be a mother." She licked Sweetkit who scrunched up her little nose.

"Mother! I'm clean!" Sweetkit protested, looking up at her mother. Shadestar chuckled.

"I love you, my dear Sweetkit." She meowed. Sweetkit curled up next to her.

"I love you to Mother,  but I am clean." She meowed with a yawn. Shadestar chuckled.

"Pebblekit, Lilykit, Oakkit! Time for your nap!"

"Awe! But mother!.." all three of them whined. Stormfall picked up Pebblekit and he set her down beside her mother.

"It's time for your nap little ones." He meowed. Lilykit trudged over to Shadestar and curled up next to Sweetkit and Pebblekit. Oakkit curled up beside the other kits and she yawned. The kits were soon asleep, and Shadestar curled her tail around them, to keep them close to her. Stoneshadow licked her cheek.

"I have to organize the sunhigh patrol. I'll be back later." He meowed. He left the nursery.

"They're beautiful kits, Shadestar." Stormheart dipped his head. Shadestar nodded with a yawn.

"Thank you."

"Alright, that's enough visitors for Shadestar now. She's very tired." Echofoot meowed. Lightningkit, Rainkit, and Stormkit were sleeping soundly next to the other queen. Oakbriar nodded and she and her mate left with a soft goodbye to Shadestar. Truth was, Shadestar was pretty weak, even though it had been a couple of days since she had kitted. She rested her head on her paws.

"Are you alright, Shadestar? Shall I fetch Shimmerleaf or Aspenberry?" Echofoot meowed softly. Shadestar looked up at her,

"No, I'm alright. I'm just a little tired, that's all." Shadestar  gave a soft smile. Echofoot nodded.

"I hear the first litter is always the hardest on a cat's body. It was for me. You'll be back to your old self soon, I promise." Echofoot meowed encouragingly. Lilykit was snoring softly and Pebblekit had her front paws on Shadestar's  tail. Soon, Shadestar was asleep, just like her kits.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now