As Kia seats down, he comes and sits right in front of me... When art came I said to my friend Sophie "I think I should ask him out ^^" Then Sophie said "Nah he's not your type" or was he? Was I just lying to her the truth about me? Just cause I been in TOUBLE with the police it makes me feel like I need to hide myself from most people. After a few weeks by Kia got to know Alex and started to love him more than ever <3 I never been in so much love ever. Does he like me back though? So my friend (Hayley) asked me if I liked Alex and I said yes. So she went up to him and said "will you go out with Kia." After that he said "sure..." I thought did he really just said yes?!?! I'm dying and this is the best day ever!!! Then Alex said "he was a pole" <3