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"I'm telling you the truth. I've never met those people. I don't know why they killed them. Why are you even questioning me? I'm not the murderer here!" I said, before leaning forward in the hard wooden chair. Sitting my elbows on the cold table, and bringing my hands to my face, covering my eyes. I looked back up at the woman. She stood there, arms folded as she let out a large sigh.

"You're here because you're the only one left alive, and the only person that can tell us what took place that night. Four bodies were found dead, two males , and two females. They were between the ages of 21, and 25." She said in a rather calm voice.

"All I know, is that I was driving down the road when my car came to a halt. I got out and noticed a flat tire. I'd been meaning to put air in it earlier that morning, but I was already running late."I looked at the detective, and saw that she was writing this all down. She looked back at me, and politely asked me to continue on with what happened.

"No other cars were on the road, and I got nervous. It was quickly getting dark. The daylight had escaped from me. I would've used my phone to call for help, but I had no reception. I decided to sleep in my car overnight, and that I'd walk to the nearest town the next morning. I opened the back door of my black 2010 Honda. I locked the car doors, not because I thought something would kill me in my sleep, but because it was awfully dark, and I felt safer knowing they were locked. I turned the car on, and listened to music. I took off my dark blue sweatshirt, and used it as a blanket. I felt my eyes getting heavy, so I decided to turn off my car. I slipped the keys into my back pants pocket, and drifted off into a deep sleep. I woke up hours later, freezing. I put my sweatshirt on, unlocked the doors, and hopped out the car. There was a very chilly breeze with a slight mist blowing on my face. It was a cloudy day. I tried seeing if my phone had reception, but just as I thought it didn't. It was around 6:40 a.m I want to say when I decided to start walking. I walked at least 3 miles, and hadn't seen not 1 car. There also weren't any signs for gas stations, restaurants or anything. This is when I began to worry. I thought about going back to my car, but it had a flat tire. I kept walking. My legs were becoming jello like. I was hungry, tired, and worried."

The detective looked at me, and touched my hand gently and said to me" you're doing great, tell me what happened next."

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