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Sierra's POV

Was it normal for a person to feel as trapped as I did. I abhorred this place that I call my school. I remember there was a time when I actually used to be excited about school. When my internal pretense meter, which could detect fake people, did not max out just by stepping into this building. Back then, one guy made everything bearable and i wasn't lonely.

It seems like it was lifetimes away, when Jared moved away. It was such sad luck that I could never admit to my crush on him. Mostly because, i knew he would claim that he liked me back, just to spare my feelings.

Things changed after he left. For the worse. I had completely drifted apart from my brother and the rest of the motley crew when Jared and I had become friends. Then after he moved away I was left stranded in the middle of the wilderness that is school. It was like I had build up walls around me and gone was the outgoing and confident girl.

Then came puberty, and nobody was scared of me beating them up anymore. There was no bullying, thanks to my brother, Shane, whom I had drifted apart from as well. But of course there were mocking comments thrown my way, and the occasional shoving me into the locker "accidentally".

So here I was, ready to take on another dreadful day of torture. With that thought I entered the school and made my way to first class. It was still pretty early so the school was relatively empty. I took my seat in a secluded corner of the classroom and started writing the lyrics to a song i liked, just to kill time.

Slowly the class started filling up and my peaceful silence was disturbed by the chit-chat of the students. I was trying hard to block out their voices, but of course the cheerleaders who happened to be sitting in front of me, decided to be extra loud.

"O.M.G. who is that hottie?" one of them squealed and then the proceeded to giggle mindlessly.

I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

I realized that the teacher had entered when the students began to settle down.

Her eyes seemed to settle on someone and she said,"Class we've got a new student, would you please introduce yourself honey?"

I saw the back of a guy who was walking up to the front of the class. He had dark hair, tanned skin and an impressive build. I looked down at my notebook and started doodling before he could turn.

"Hey guys i'm Jared Hunt and i just moved here from Redwood, California. Well moved 'back' here really. I look forward to my time in Olympus high."

The moment that name resounded in my ears my head shot up. I was pretty sure my jaw was hanging open. That was Jared?

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. It didn't make sense, because he would have told me if he was moving back.

As if he had read my thoughts, he looked up at me and smiled mouthing 'surprise'. I'm pretty sure melted right then. I then noticed that he was sitting with Sean and Noah. Of course, with looks like that he would be welcomed by the it crowd with open arms. Then he'd come to know how i'm the social pariah and BAM, I lose the only friend i have.

My heart wrenched at the thought and i spent the rest of the class overthinking.

When the bell rang I decided on slipping out of the class unnoticed, but then something magical happened.

One moment I'm turning to see who'd tapped on my shoulder and the next, I'm literally swept off the ground in arms that felt like home.

In that moment I stopped thinking about what was to come and just relished in the feel of him.

"I've missed you so much princess" he whispered in my ear.

How long had I waited to hear him call me princess again. "Me too Jared.." I replied tightening my hold on him.

So this is what heaven feels like.

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