Chapter 8 - Hayden

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I don't know what I had expected. Of course everyone is not is here. They are all off trying to deal with the rebellion. We keep walking, until we get to the main building. We go in, and there are a few people here.

"Avery?" some says. Aiden comes forward, and runs over to me. He gives me a hug and asks, "Are you okay? What happened? How did you get back here? All of the airships and trucks have left."

"I'm fine." I say.

He looks over at the rest of them, and says, "Lena you're hurt. Come on, we need to get you tomedical."

The rest of us go to look at the screens. There is a map of the provinces, like the one the men in blue showed us. This one though shows dots, where the bombs have gone off so far. They have probably already figured out the pattern. Then, I see that the bombs in Hayden square have gone off. My parents could be dead. We get list of casualties in one of our tech rooms. I quickly go there, and sit down at a screen. I click the button, and repeatedly tap my fingers on the table while it turns on. I go to casualty boards, and start to scroll through the names. In the past couple of days, there have been hundreds. I keep scrolling until I see a B, Sykes. I just stare at the screen. My Dad is dead.

I get up, and run. I run out of the room. I run past everyone, and out the doors. I run towards the woods. Before we were trying to get out of them. Now I run to them, because it was before I knew what had happened.

"Avery!" Cade yells behind me.

I keep running. Tears start to run down my cheeks. I gets harder for me to breath, as I reach the edge of the woods. I stop when I get past a few trees, and grab one to stop going. I turn around, and see Cade not far behind.

He eventually reaches me, and asks, "What's wrong?"

I just look at him for a few seconds with tears still going down my face, and then say, "My Dad is dead."

He looks at me, and then comes closer and pulls me into him. He holds me while I cry, and says, "I'm so sorry."

I pull back slowly after a few moments, and then sit down and lean against the tree. He does the same, and sits next to me.

"I haven't seen him in years. I just wish I could have seen him one last time." I say.

"We will go to see your Mom. I will come with you." he says.

"We can't go across the border." I say to him."

"It is not like anyone will notice. I think they have bigger problems to worry about than two people crossing a border." he says.

I contemplate it for a minute, and than ask, "Alright, but how will we get there?"

"I'm sure Mason and I can fly an airship again." he says.

I nod, and wipe the tears from my face. We both stand up, and head for everyone else.

"Mason." Cade says when we get back.

"Yeah?" Mason asks.

"We need to go to Hayden. We need to go to see someone. It is important." Cade says.

"Who are we—" Mason starts to say, until he sees my eyes that are still wet. "Okay."

The three of us drive over to the airship landing. There are still a few airships here, even though there are barely any people here. We all get inside, and I get strapped in. Mason and Cade go into the cockpit, and get ready to take off. We leave the ground after a few minutes, and start towards Hayden square.

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