The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Finally! Time to get out of this hell hole. Well, more like it's time to talk to Millie. I wondered how much I would be able to get out of her. Hopefully she'll crack a smile. I would love to see her smile. It would light up my day...
• • •
I walked outside. And there she was! Millie, the closed book. She wore a pastel blue top, with high-waisted jean shorts. Added to her look were pastel blue knee-high socks, and white converse. It was all topped off with a jean jacket. Wow... She's so beautiful! I thought to myself. I took a look at myself. Ripped jeans, a beanie, a baggy t-shirt and a jean jacket as well. Oh my.
• • •
She approached me, clutching books in her small hands, and a backpack hanging from her shoulder.
"Oh! Um, hi." I said, waving awkwardly. Damnit Finn, why do you have to be so awkward? I thought to myself, mentally punching myself in the gut.
"Hi." She said, looking into my eyes. I stared back into hers. I got lost and immersed in her eyes, which seemed to be filled with stars.
"Hello?" She said, waving her hand in front of my face. I was too caught up in staring at her, that I didn't notice I was just standing there without speaking.
"Oh! Sorry, I was just dozing off." I said as a weak smile crept on to my face.
"I do that often as well." She said, with the faintest smile on her face. Oh my god. She was smiling! And she actually engaged in a normal conversation! I thought to myself.
"So... you want to walk to the park?" I asked her, hoping for the best, prepared for the worst. She took a few moments to ponder this.
"I would love to." She said, smiling once more. Wow. This is amazing! Maybe she isn't as closed-off as I thought she was.
"Alrighty then!" I said, smiling back at her.
I had finally gotten somewhere. I was excited to see where this mystery led me.
• • •
Hey guys! Sorry it took forever to update. I'm just trying to think of a unique plot for this story. Stay tuned for more! 💓
-Sarah ✨

Mystery ⇝ Fillie
Fanfictionmys•ter•y ⇢ something that is difficult or impossible to explain or understand Millie Brown, that girl sure was a mystery. The galaxy in her eyes, the adventurous air about her. And I, Finn Wolfhard, was determined to solve this mystery.