Chapter 2

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Crap! I can't believe I'm late and it's the first day of classes! I run faster trying to make it to English50 on time. I make it two minutes before class starts so all of the seats in the front are taken. Great I like sitting in the front so I can take better notes. I sit in the back next to the wall. Class is about to start and a boy walks through the door and looks for a seat. 'Wow what an early bird' I think crap he's looking this way! Please don't sit by me please don- CRAP! "Is this seat taken?" he politely asks... does he have an accent??? No I must've imagined it--- oops I haven't said anything yet he's just staring. "No it's not" I say with out even looking up. "Thanks love" he says, he definitely has an accent. My head snaps up instantly and I'm taken back by this beautiful young boy to my left... This beautiful Australian boy! He was sitting in on the class so I didn't learn his name.

After class I have to leave almost immediately to make it to my next class so I just smile at the boy "bye!" I say sweetly incase I came off rude at any point during the class-I have that affect on people sometimes I just come off rude or sassy. "Mhmm see you Wednesday, love" he says in a way that almost knocks me off my feet I have to leave like now or I might attack his face right here and now!

I get to my next class and try to take notes but all I do is doodle pictures of that boy's eyes! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!?!? IM FEELING!!!!!! I just met him and I've only said 4 words to him! But it feels like I know him, like I've always known him or something. And literally do not get me started on that voice of his!!! And his smile!!! Gahhhh!!! I want to crawl into a hole and die! "Ms. Tillett??" I'm snapped back into reality and everyone is staring at me... "yes?" "Anything you'd like to share with us?" "No sir" "Well then please keep your uh outburst to yourself thank you" crap that gahhh was out loud... Freaking perfect.

After my final class I was trying to walk quickly to my car, fiddling with my phone trying to call Britt to tell her about my uhh "eventful" day. I'm just about to hit call on her contact when I collide with something very solid. "Sorry love! I should've watched where I was- oh hey I know you!" OMG ITS HIMMMMMMMMMM!!! "Oh-uh yeah English" "yeah that's right you're the pretty girl in the back" he says with a crooked smile Hehe he thinks I'm pretty. OMG I'm toats blushing! Great!!! But he only smiles bigger "what's your name beautiful?" I know his voice but where!?!? "Shelby" I say simply. "Well Shelby I'm Ashton my friends call me Ash, lovely to meet you today" he says with a small wink. Wait what a wink... OMG he will be the death of me!!!

"So Shelby I was wondering if I could ask you something..." "And what's that Ashton?" "Ash" he corrects me "Ash" I say and we both smile "well I was wondering if..."

(Hope this chapter wasn't dumb! Bye!)

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