5: Uncanny Similarities

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{All speaking out loud in dragonese will be in italics and all speaking in dragonese by telepathy will be underlined as well.}

Hiccup's POV:

{Previously: I followed her through the main living room and into the side, when my jaw dropped.}

There sprawled across an upturned table and covered in various bits of riding gear was Dawn, with an empty bucket on her head - I guess she managed to de - bucket her dragon without me! It was so hard to not laugh, though. Slowly, i saw Dawn lift the bucket off her head, revealing her disgruntled expression, but it was the fish tail balanced on her head like some deformed party hat that set me off. Peals of laughter erupted from my mouth as she face palmed, not yet realising that she had a fish tail adorning her head and she soon joined me in a fit of laughter.

"Curse the clumsiness of dragons in confined spaces!" She said amidst her laughter whilst attempting to get up, before tripping over her other foot only to tumble back down, failing miserably.

"Here let me help" I say, managing to gather a little self control as i offer her a hand and help her to her feet, "It looks like it's not just the clumsiness of your dragon that you need to worry about!" I joke.

"Ha ha ha , you're hilarious" I get as a response before she blushes out of embarrassment whilst rubbing her left wrist and awkwardly looking away.

Damn her awkwardness is cute!

"It's not even been a day since i arrived and my house is already a mess, Gods this isn't going to end well!" She says tearing me from my thoughts.

"Oh it's fine, you should see my work room and bedroom, there's all my crazy inventions strewn all over the place!"

"You make crazy inventions too?!" She asks, whilst staring me in awe with big her big green eyes full of curiosity and awe.

"I sure do, wait are you saying you do as well?"

"Here" she says handing me a sword handle that had previously gone unnoticed attached to her outer thigh.

I couldn't believe my eyes in my hands lay an exact copy of my inferno just black and green, not black and red.

"I call it the inferno, what do you think?" She asks as i just stare at her in utter disbelief.

After an awkward silence of me just staring at her whilst she begins to look uncomfortable, i unclip my inferno and pass it to her and her face melts into one of disbelief.

Dawn's POV:


How is this possible?

This can't be possible!

There is no way in all of Valhalla that this is possible!

I'm torn from my surprised paralysis by Hiccup saying (whilst trying not to laugh from the incredulousness of the whole situation) "Guess what i call it as well?"

"No way!"

"You're the same as me!" We both exclaim at the same time.

Who'd have guessed somewhere in the crazy universe there is another person like me. This is insane!

We're suddenly broken from our thoughts by a series of loud knocks coming from my front door. We look at each other confusedly, i don't remember anyone else Stoick mentioned that was supposed to "escort" me this morning before giving me a tour of the village, i go to answer the door with Hiccup following closely behind.

I open the door to find ... Stoick, looking half smug and a little annoyed.

Stoick's POV:

I'm at the great hall just watching over the morning meal as villagers begin to trickle in before helping them to food, however what i don't see is my son and his future wife. I REALLY MUST STOP THINKING LIKE THIS, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME! Five minutes pass before i realise that for them both to receive any breakfast i'm going to have to go and fetch them myself. I wonder if they have discovered how similar they are yet?

Hiccup's POV:

I follow Dawn to the door and she opens it to reveal my dad. I wonder what he's doing here?



"H - Hi dad" I managed to mutter

"Hi son, if i remember correctly we were supposed to be saying hello about five minutes ago at, i don't know, maybe the great hall?"

All i can manage to is to mumble out is a small "errrrr"... and "sorry dad", whilst rubbing my neck embarrassedly.

I'm broken from my shame by a female voice "Sorry about that Stoick, you see my dragon got her head stuck in her food basket and Hiccup here was just helping me clean up the mess."


"Oh, is that the case? It's fine i expected you to be a little late anyway, knowing how similar you both are and all, you'd both somehow find a way to get distracted, anyway let's get going i'm pretty sure that you're both ravenous by now!" My dad replies before ushering us out of the door like Sven does his sheep.

I turn to Dawn and mouth "thanks", she got me out of a tight spot there and see her mouth in return "it was nothing".

I smile and lead her towards the great hall as we continue our earlier conversation on the topic of our crazy inventions.

Stoick's POV:

I usher my son and Dawn out of the door and watch them excitedly chat each other about one thing or another. I heard something to do with the calibration of the spring coil or something, i have no clue what they're talking about but you can almost touch the chemistry between them - it's as strong as Thor's hammer. I smile before following behind them. Who knows i may have just met my future daughter in law?


What can i say? GCSEs are a pain and preparing for them is the worst.

This chapter was a long time in the making, regrettably - I may or may not have got captured by the devil that is writer's block.

Well here is another spiel of waffle

Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think

Crow Dragonsong :)

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