Chapter 1

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Mary's POV

Last year of midterms. My last year of high school midterms, and I'm done. I can do this, I told myself. My best friend Gaby on the other hand, I'm not sure how she's gonna fair this week. She hasn't been as structured as I was with her studying, and even me tutoring her in Latin can't save her grades. I feel bad, but I'm more worried for college.

"Mary, maaaarrryyyy are you listening??" Crap. was daydreaming again.

"Yeah sorry Gab, what do you need," I asked, even thought my mind was elsewhere. Like how shitty I looked, in baggy soccer sweats and my blonde hair in a bun, if you could even call it that.

"My mom just called me, they have to bring my puppy Winnie to the hospital. They don't think he's gonna make it," she whispered, with watery eyes. Oh god. She loves that dog.

"Go Gaby, I'll face time you later if you need more help," and with that, she sprinted out the door, almost tripping over her chair in the process.

Well, just me now I guess, I thought as i got back to my latin work. Now that she was gone, I became aware of how many people were crammed into the small coffee shop, and knowing my town, more people would come to Starbucks to fuel up with some coffee. I just hope no one has to sit with me. That'd be awkward, considering my complete lack of social skills. Ugh. I'm so done with latin. I'd been here for close to an hour and a half, but im not giving up yet. Maybe I should just get another hot chocolate, and then i'll cram some more information into my noodle brain. was about to stand up when a hand taped my shoulder. And me being me, I squealed.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to scare you. just wanted to know if I could sit here."

l looked up to see who was talking, only to
realize it was pointless. Whomever it was was wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses, and if that doesn't just screams sketchy I'm not sure what does. I don't want him near me. Please please please let there be another seat open I pray as I look around. Just my luck, there isn't. Sighing I look back up to the elusive stranger and approve his wish. Sadly, He sat down across from me, as I scrambled to gather my papers which were strewn across the table.

"Sorry for the mess. was just studying for my latin midterm" I explained with an awkward laugh. God, as if I couldn't embarrass myself more.

"Oh no it's fine!" he assured me, and picked up some of my papers.

"I actually came here to study for my midterms as well. What year latin are you in?"

At this point, I could see some of his face. The hood he whore sat further back on his head, and i could make out a mop of dark brown-almost-black hair, along with a strong jaw. Dayumm, he's hot, I thought to myself. looked back to his sunglass clad eye to notice one of his perfect eyebrows raised. Crap, I was staring. To make it worse, didn't even answer his question.

"Umm...hahaha im in year 4" l managed to stutter out, now consciously aware of how amazing I looked. My ocean blue eyes had hideous bags under them from late study nights, and my eyebrows needed a lot of TLC at the moment. Perfect, just perfect.

"Oh same," He said.

'Oh same' Really hottie? I need more than that to work with. Now an awkward silence settled between us, neither one of us looking at the other.

Making eye contact with a suspicious looking spot on the table, I mutter
"Yeah, cool. So i'm gonna go get another drink."

And with that beautifully crafted sentence, I hurry to the counter and away from the stranger. After throwing my money at the barista, I go and wait for my drink. Yesssss, a hot chocolate. Just what I need. After chugging half the drink, I drag my feet back to the table, and plop my ass down quickly glance up at the spot- stealer, and notice he's no longer shielded by his hood and shades. Wait a minute, my inner voice nagged, I know him. I know that face. My face crunches up as i think, and it isn't until he looks up at me with a questioning look that I realize if been unabashedly staring at him.

"Oh sorry," I mumble, "you look like an old friend of mine."

He nods in understanding, and I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. Thank god he believed my lie. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I take another sip of my drink and mentally prepare for the next few hours of torture known as studying. I'm about to whip out my textbook, when Mr. Familiar stops me.

"Hey i'm kinda confused. Could you maybe help me?"

My heart. It's gonna fly outta my chest. He wants me to help him?

"Uhh, ahh, um ye-yeah. Yeah I can help you" smooth Mary.

"Thank god, I wasn't sure you would," He breathed, as he stood up, He gathered a few things and his binder and walked around the table, I was about to ask him why, when my phone pinged. I grabbed it off my charger, and noticed I was Megan, the third member of our little squad. She and Gaby would butt heads every so often, but we were the three musketeers Gaby was the free spirit, Meg was our safety net, and I was the brains. After years of trying to get my shitty phone to unlock, I finally open the notification, Another instagram DM. It better not be Gaby and Megan drooling over some guy. With crossed fingers, I open the app and click into the message. Once i see the picture I freeze, briefly skimming the text underneath it. This can't be true, I thought, no way. They aren't the same person. Impossible. No matter how many times I tried to reassure myself, I knew it was true. l quickly closed out of the app as i heard the chair next to me being dragged back and a heavy body being dropped onto it.

"Okay so, I had a few questions on the objective..."He began, but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. peered over at him and my jaw fell open. He was dragging on about the objective genitive, and all I was hearing was my inner voice, You're sitting next to him, mary. You're sitting next to Shawn freaking Mendes, and you're studying together. Well, fuck.

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