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Shawn's POV

Yes I just scored a dinner with Mary oh my god I can't wait thats only 2 days away. Wait a sec... only 2 days away! I'm meeting Mary's parents in only a couple days crap. From what I heard they're awful, you know what Mendes you got this, if you want the girl you first gotta impress the family.

Mary's POV

The days had passed by slowly as Shawn and I now texted every day. We didn't go an hour without texting each other. It felt as if we've known each other forever and we were just two best friends talking everyday.Before I knew it It was Sunday and Meg were over with Charlie as we all waited impatiently for Shawn's arrival. 

I'm so nervous. I hope my parents like him. Everything better go well.   

A black jeep suddenly pulls up to my house and I see Shawn get out of the car as my heart skips a beat. I'm blushing and silently freaking out at the same time.

Shawn's POV

"Ok, I think I'm read," I tell myself as I look in the mirror. I run my fingers through my hair for what seems like the 300th time and I start to put on deodorant as I see Aaliyah standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Wow, you must really like her. You look like you're going crazy," Aaliyah told me.

"Thanks sis," I say rolling my eyes, "way to help me calm my nerves."

Aaliyah sees me struggling so she grabs my hands and brings me downstairs.

"Here," she tells me as she sticks out a bouquet of flowers Mom had on the table. "Take these to her and here... um... wear this jacket.

"Thanks Aaliyah."

"No problem. Just doing my sisterly duties."

"No seriously. Thank you. I'd be a mess without you."

"Yea, Yea. Just go," She said as she shoved me out the door.

As I open the car to my jeep I hear Aaliyah say, "Oh and by the way, I totally ship #shawny."

I blush and drive away. Ok Shawn, you got this.

I start walking up to Mary's house and it's probably the most nerve wracking thing ever. I was more nervous than I get before I perform on stage. But when I saw mary open the door most of the nerves went away and my face lit up with a smile.

Mary's POV

The doorbell rings and all 3 of us get up to go get it. Shawn is standing in the doorway holding flowers wearing a really hot jacket and black jeans. 

"Hey Mary."

"Hey Shawn."

Everyone exchanges hello's and it seems as if we just stare at each other for a good 3 seconds. Shawn and Charlie hug and he meets my friend Meg. 

"Mary, these are for your mom," he says.

"Wow she's really gonna love these thanks for that."

I was tempted to grab his hand and bring him into the kitchen to give them to my mom but I didn't know what we were yet and what we would be. I especially didn't want any family members asking about him and I so I just lead him into the kitchen. 

"Mom. Dad. This is Shawn. He's....... a friend." I said trying to play it off cool. 

"These are for you Mrs. Butala," He said giving my mom the flowers.

"It's nice to meet you Shawn," My mom said with a smile.

"Glad to have you here. Hope you like ham, Shawn," My dad said. 

My parents and friends, being as oblivious as they are, didn't realize that I had just brought the Shawn Mendes into the house and I was glad that they didn't know. For the rest of the night Charlie and Meg mostly talked to the Leopold and Santoros and Shawn and I talked downstairs. 

"It's funny how we keep ending up downstairs." Shawn said with a smirk.

"Yeah it is. So how's Latin? Did you pass your big test we studied for?"

"Well I got an 88. But I don't understand the topic that we're on right now so... I think we should study together again," Shawn said without hesitation. 

I would love to hang out together. I don't even care what we do.

"Sounds like we should." I blushed.

The rest of the night Shawn and I talked about his Magcon adventures and how he remembered every fan name and how he loved performing because it gave him such a rush. I loved the way he talked about his singing. The way his face lit up and how inspired he got and how much he loves what he does. He talked about how it was hard to be a normal teenager and being around me made him feel normal, that's why he loved hanging out so much.

Shawn's POV

Not gonna lie I think I absolutely crushed the introduction to her parents, which is good because I definitely need their approval. It was awesome how nobody knew me because of my fame. It made me feel so comfortable and made it easier to be the real me without any pressure. Mary and I end up downstairs alone where we just chat while the others were upstairs. after some time we were called back upstairs for dinner. 

Mary's POV

We ate dinner with Meg and Charlie and when it was time to go Shawn and I walked outside to his car. He was leaning up against his car as we said goodbye. 

"So I had a lot of fun tonight and I hope I'll see you soon. Yyou know-w to uhh study for Lat-in" Shawn stuttered as he scratched the back of his neck. Well that was hot.

"Of course, we have to make sure you pass Latin." I said and we both laughed. 

"I'll text you and we can work out a time."

"Sounds good," I replied.He leaned in and gave me a hug as he got in his car and drove away, really slowly.

 Meg was still inside and we talked for an hour more about how great Shawn was and how surreal this whole thing was. We had to get ready for school tomorrow so I sent Meg home and went upstairs to take a shower. When I came out I looked at my phone and I had tons of snapchats from shawn. I swear to god if he's snapping and driving I'm gonna kill him. I told him not to because it' so dangerous but he just won't listen. It was videos of him driving and singing to songs on the radio as he was headed home. This was the first time I have ever heard him sing, besides from youtube videos on the internet. This was really his voice and the best part was, it was all for me.

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