Chapter 3

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Mary's POV

As soon as I see Shawn leave to go to his car I jump in my seat and scramble to find my phone.

I can't believe that this is real life. This is so weird because I would always tell Meg and Gaby to stop obsessing over Shawn because never in a million years did I think they would ever come close to meeting him. And now I'm the one actually meeting him.

"I have to call Meg right now! She's gonna freak," I say to myself.

When I look at my phone I notice that Shawn put his name as 'Hot guy from starbucks.' I smile and laugh when I read it, probably looking like a total freak to everyone around me. I attach my phone to the holder and begin to face time Meg.

As it's ringing I pull out of the parking lot and I see Shawn waiting for me on the curb. I wave and he sees me so he begins to pull out in front of me, leading the way.

After what feels like 3,000 rings meg finally picks up.

"Sah dude, what's up?" Meg says

"MEG OH MY GOD YOU'RE NEVER GONNA BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I SWEAR YOU'RE GONNA THINK THAT I'M LYING BUT-" I began to say, more like scream, but meg cut me off saying,

"Girl calm down. You need to talk slower and keep you eyes on the road your driving for god's sake!" She says. Typical Meg, always looking out for me. But that's why I love her.

"Right, right. I forgot. Anyways so-" I begin to say but I get cut off again but by someone different the time.

"Hey Mary! What's up?!" I hear Charlie say. You're probably wondering who Charlie is. Well he's not just some random dude. He's Charlie Puth. And I mean the Charlie Puth. As in the famous one. Charlie and Meg have been dating for a year now and that's why I wasn't fazed when I realized I was sitting next to a famous person. It's pretty normal for meg and I now. Charlie is 19, where Meg and I are 18 but the age doesn't matter, those two are as tight as a rock.

"Hey Charlie," I say snapping back to reality. "So Meg can I talk to you alone for a second?" I say as I scratch my nose.

When we scratch our noses it's our sign that we have news. We made it up when we were 13 and I guess it just stuck with us. Meg knew what I meant and she got up off of Charlie and ran to go get headphones.

For a second I forgot that I was driving because I started to swerve and I saw Shawn looking at me through his rearview mirror wondering if I was ok. Gosh he's so hot, I think.

"Wait? God no I can't like him," I say to myself, "I've legit just met the dude."

Meg reappears on my screen, and I almost thought she hung up for a second but she didn't.

"Ok I'm ready now," she says as she puts her headphone in, "What's the news?"

I tell her the story of how Gaby and I were studying and she had to leave and how this person came to sit next to me. I told her that I eventually made the connection that it was Shawn Mendes, and by the time I realized that he was asking me over to his house.

"Oh my god that's so crazy!!!" Meg shouts, "Like who would have thought that the shyest person ever, Mary Butala, was going to meet Shawn Mendes and, gasp, go back to his house!" she said as she laughed.

"I can't even believe it myself I'm legit freaking out I have no clue what to do. I've never had a boyfriend yet alone been to a boys house alone," I say as panic starts to kick in.

I start to hear faint laughing in the backround and I realize that it's charlie. But I thought Meg had headphones in?!

I see Charlie come into frame wearing the other headphone and I immediately give Meg the death stare. She shrugs her shoulders and mouths 'sorry.'"So... Mary you're going to Shawn's house I hear?" Charlie teases.

"Charlie I swear to god you better not do anything to mess this up for me," I say glaring at charlie.

"Hahha, I have to text shawn this is too good-" He begins to say but I cut him off.

"NO!' I scream. "You're not going to do anything to mess this up for me Charlie Otto Puth!" I scold him, and he gets the message because he slides his phone away without texting Shawn.

At this point I look like a full on idiot because I'm in my car screaming at my phone and trying to follow someone in front of me hoping I won't get lost.

"Mary I'm so sorry I didn't think he was gonna text Shawn," Meg says.

"It's ok. Don't worry," I say, "You know I think we're close to his house and I should probably go." I tell her.

"Yeah go ahead. But make sure you tell me everything that happens and please be careful," Meg says.

"I will. Talk to you later," I say as I hang up.

As I focus back on the road I try to convince myself that I would act cool and not awkward. You got this, you can do it. It's ok, just don't freak out. He's just a normal person just walk in the house and be as confident as you can be, I think trying to reassure myself.

I guess we had been driving for about 10 minutes because I see Shawn pull into a long driveway as I follow him. Wow, this is such a pretty house there's no way this is real, I thought.

Shawn parks his car near the house so I do the same. Before I know it Shawn is at my car opening my door for me.

"Thanks, shawn. But you didn't have to do that," I say as i blush super hard.

"Pretty girls should always have their door opened for them," Shawn says with a huge smile.

Damn his teeth are perfect.

I grab all of my stuff and we head into the house.

All right Mary, you got this. You can do it.

I took a deep breath as shawn was unlocking the door to his palace, I mean house. I was trying to take it all in when next thing I know their something on my face. I lick it with my tunge. What is that? I think.

It's... muffin batter? 

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