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Third person POV

Olivia walked in the squad room wearing a black 3 quarter sleeved, button up, collared shirt. She peeked Cragians office to see if he was already there. She walked over to her desk and hung her jacket over the back of her chair. She looked over to see Elliot making coffee. He walked over to hand her a cup of it.

"Wow" she laughed

"What?" El asked, confused

"I just think it's so funny how, we've been partners for 6 years, and you know exactly how I like my coffee." She said while taking a sip

Elliot smiled and started working on a case they had started about a week ago. It was on, a teenage girl who was raped again and again for three years. They had about two suspects left, Kendall her next door neighbor, and Jay her Bestfriend. When the phone rang.

"Olivia Benson, Special Victims Unit." She answered

"Stay Calm, Mandi. We're on our way." She hung up the phone and looked up at Elliot.

"Elliot, Kendalls at Mandi's. With a knife"

Elliot jumped up grabbed his gun, while Olivia did the same. They rushed out to get the car from the garage. Elliot got in on the drivers side and Liv in the passengers. When they got up to the house they gazed over at one another locking eyes for a moment. Liv broke the moment first to say

"I gotta plan, I'll go in the front, you in the back."

Elliot nodded. But Olivia knew that El was doubting her.

"El do you trust me?"

"Of course." Elliot replied.

They hoped out of the car and grabbed their guns. Elliot ran around to the back door. It was unlocked so he ran in and let Liv in. They heard crying coming from upstairs, they both ran up the stairs as quiet as they could. Liv heard Kendall screaming,

"You whore, going to the god damn cops. What did I tell you was gonna happen."

Liv peaked in to see Kendall holding a knife to Mandi's throat. She jumped in and pulled out her gun. Kendalls head jerked up to attention when he heard her.

"Put the knife down Kendall. I know you don't wanna do this." Olivia shouted

"You don't know what the fuck I want." Kendall said.

Olivia peared over Kendalls shoulder to see Elliot coming up behind him. Just when El was about to hit him over the head he lunged at Liv. She didn't shoot because she froze up, he sliced her chest with the knife. Elliot immediately shot him with no hesitation. He ran over to Olivia laying on the floor trying to cover up her wound.

"Officer down we need a bus" Elliot screamed into the radio.

A/N- Hi! Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first fanfiction. I hoped you enjoyed it. The next chapter will be released soon.

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