Standing There Watching Me

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His arm slugged over my shoulder “it’s your fault this is even happening” he says

  I shiver a little “no it’s not”

  As we walk I step on something, it moves and I nearly have a panic attack “that was my foot” he grumbles in the dark

  I reached for him, my hands pressing against his chest “I didn’t mean to miss the bus Kian; I thought we still had a little time”

  His hands hold me in place. I can’t see a thing, I feel him turn me, his arms wrap around my waist and he keeps them there as we walk “I told you the bus was leaving in three minutes and you just stood there like a blatant idiot.” He said dryly

  I try to break free from his grasp but his hands stay firm around my waist. We’re walking in silence, every now and then stopping to try and get a feel of where we are.

  I feel snug and warm with him wrapped around me, it’s endearing and almost charming how gentle his actions are, it’s like he does this without trying. When he pulls out his phone his other hand is still around my waist and it moves sometimes, massages the bare skin there, he occasionally hooks his thumb into my belt loop and tugs on it a little

  “Are you cold?” he asks

  “Not really…you’re um…”

  “…Keeping you warm?” he finishes for me

  “Yeah” I said softly

  My feet were starting to ache by the time things were coming into view. We were starting to see familiar faces and boy was it a relief

  Although we can clearly see now, Kian keeps his arms hooked around my waist in an almost protective way.

  We walk a quarter of a mile past about twenty houses that all look the same and then we stop in front of my house. The only house on the block painted a light teal

  We were home

  I attempt to open the front door but Kian swats at my hand “too obvious” he hisses, I followed him to the back of the house, he starts to jimmy with the screen door and it slides open almost silently.

  When we get in the house I’m engulfed with warmth and the giddy feeling of how Kian’s arms had felt wrapped around my waist for so long

  We took cautious steps; our movements up the stairs are swift and quick. When I opened my bedroom door and turned on the light I nearly fell when I saw my dad sitting on my bed with his arms folded

   “Nice of you to finally show up”

  I started to back out of the room and when I did I bump into Kian who was also frantically trying to get out of his room, “I can explain” we both said at the same time

  Kian’s mom held up her hand to silence us “we know you two snuck out to that concert specifically after we told you not to go”

  My dad spoke next “I cannot believe you took my daughter around all those rowdy boys and alcoholic beverages!” he said to Kian

  Kian opens his mouth to say something but then he just shrugged

  Now it was Kian’s turn for his parent to take a pot shot at me. “What are you even wearing?” his mother asked “you need to start dressing like a lad Chase”

  I turned to her and like Kian, I just shrugged, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Kian almost smile a little

  “You aren’t going to anymore concerts” my dad says to Kian

  “I went through your closet, all that skimpy mess you wear is tied up in a trash bag in the garage until you prove you can act and treat people with respect” Kian’s mom says to me

  “What does that even have to do with sneaking out?” I fume

  “Everything” my dad says “if you had respected us you would have followed our orders”

  I mimicked my dad as he walked away

   Kian was standing there watching me, and then he rolled his eyes and went into his room

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