Barely awake yet already irritable

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When I wake up I’m alone in my room. My door is closed, Kian is gone and although I hate to admit it his absence is noted by the way I grope around my bed for him. I was an idiot to think I would be able to enjoy the simplicity of waking up next to him…

  I’m barely awake yet I’m already irritable.

  I can hear my dad talking to Kian’s mom downstairs. I decide to go down and greet them but not before tugging a sweater on

  Kian is sitting at the table eating with them and they all smile at me, except Kian’s smile looks more forced than theirs. They tell me Kian said not to wake me and that they’re eating dinner

  I start to make a bowl but Kian takes one look at me in my sweater and says he’ll do it for me

  Our parents are shocked to say the least...I’m shocked too…

  Mostly because he didn’t at all seem like he had a problem with making me a bowl of food, when usually asked to do something for me Kian just grunts and mutteres curse words. His usual ‘fuck you’ was replaced with a rather cheery ‘here you go Chase

  When we all start to eat Kian’s mom jokingly asks me about Kian and I just shrug and tell her that he spent the majority of the time in his room, she looks at me like she doesn’t believe me but I assure her that Kian was brain dead and bored the entire time and that he just watched television and listened to music. I leave out the girl he invited over and their make out session on the couch, I also leave out the part where Kian slammed me against the wall…

  She seems to buy this and she’s smiling at Kian lovingly “well, good” she claps

  Kian smiles at me and I feel his hand softly rub my leg under the table. My blood is pulsing dangerously, his touch is fire hot

  I softly smack at his hand but it stays where it’s at, he squeezes my leg softly and let’s go.

  It’s around eight o’clock now and everyone is gathered in the living room watching television. Our parents are sitting on the main couch and although I put up a fight Kian has made me sit next to him in the oval lean chair, we’re out of our parents eye view but every now and then my dad turns around and smiles at us, he seems happy with how well we’re getting along

  The movie drags on, it’s getting later into the night and I’m starting to fall asleep. Upon noticing this Kian softly adjusts me so my head is laying on his chest. He softly strokes my hair, his other arm is wrapped around me, the weight of it soothes me into slumber and right before my eyes close I feel Kian’s lips press against my forehead “night” he softly murmurs against my skin

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