EIGHT: There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

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The head full of multitoned blues slowly rose higher, Keith standing up from the concrete stair. Tension was exuding out from everyone, especially Rolo, who clenched his fists with a burning passion while eyeing down the person he once considered his best friend.

Lance was frozen by the unhinged door, eyebrows twitching at the sight of his neighbor. He was exhausted – physically and emotionally – and the last thing he needed was to be graced with Keith's presence this morning. Unwillingly, his gaze was locked on the same person, who kept stealing glances at the shocked boy five steps above.

"You need to leave, now," Rolo jammed his shaking fist into Keith's shoulder lightly, teeth biting down on his lower lip. "We're starting off the new year with good people, and honestly, you aren't one of those in my book. You can fuck me over, but if you fuck with Lance... I'll make sure you'll be the one in pain instead."

Lifting his hands in defeat, Keith straightened out his back confidently, exhaling a pent-up sigh in the process. "Listen, I didn't come here to fight with you: or anyone, really. I need to talk with Lance, we never finished our discussion last night."

"He clearly doesn't want to see you. Can you catch a hint?"

"Rolo, that's enough," Allura stepped in, nudging the irritated boy backwards. With crossed arms, she focused her deathly stare directly on Keith's tattoos. "Ultimately, it's up to Lance to decide if he wants to talk with you. However, if you cross the boundary one more time, we'll step in." The corners of her smirk dived into her cheeks, the dubious expression sending chills down Rolo's spine. "However, it's going to have to wait, anyways. We're going out for breakfast, and it's a 'friends only' event. Can you hold off for, say about, two hours? That is, if he accepts?"

Nodding his head, Keith let both arms fall back down to his thighs, avoiding the intimidating glares Allura and Shay sent him. Instead, he watched Lance from afar, trying to read the puzzled contortion on his face. The only thing that swarmed through his conscious mind was the word 'trouble.' All the senses in his body were warning him to avoid Keith; to not fall victim to his unknown motives. To not break himself down even more from how convincing and treacherous he was.

However, something deep down was screaming at him to hear him out, even if it was the last time. Even though there was nothing positive that ever resulted from interacting with Keith, the slightest bit of hope remained in his fragile, fracturing heart – maybe, just maybe, there would be a reason behind the madness.

Taking an unsteady breath, Lance's two index fingers fiddled around with each other, pondering about what to say before his mouth opened again. "I-I'll do it... later..." Swallowing twice to digest the words he stated, Lance gradually stepped closer to the group of friends, head peeking over Rolo's shoulder from behind. "So wait for me."

Shay linked her arm through Lance's quaking one, walking him down the steps. The other two followed along, but not without sending Keith ugly-yet-scary faces, Shay joining in by sticking out her tongue at the unfazed fellow. One weight seemed to dissolve during the conversation, but was immediately replaced with a burden of anticipation and anxiety. He'd have to face his fear one more time, and the most horrifying part of confronting Keith was the fact that he was unpredictable. His past was an enigma, his actions were impulsive, and his moods were ridiculously fickle.

Lance was not the type of person who was inclined to enjoy surprises.

Buckling himself into Allura's car, Rolo plopped himself right next to him, a smug look clinging on his facial features.

"I made a playlist for the ride to Ocala."

"Oh my God, no, no no no, you did not – right? Please, I can't deal with any more tacky rap music." Lance spurted out, already feeling the incoming headache pounding at his skull. Rolo's eyebrows danced vigorously while he plugged his phone into the aux cord, scrolling through his iTunes to reach the prepared playlist that derived from hell.

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