Chapter Thirty Five: I'm Sorry...

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Chapter Thirty Five: I'm Sorry...

*•*•Bailey's POV•*•*

That one word had made my whole body freeze and my breathing to stop. It was so sudden that I didn't know what to do, or think. I knew something bad was going to happen the moment I stepped into the house. I knew it wasn't going to be a good idea. I knew better to think that things were going to go right for once.

"Hi Sweetie!" A deep, almost soothing voice said, "How has my little princess been?"


I never thought that I would ever hear Harrison's voice this way. 'This way' meaning behind a curtain in Bennett's house as well as sound sweet and caring. Well it does make sense, because his daughter is in the room.

Connor's giggles filled the room as well as Harrison's laugh. I could only assume that Bennett had let Connor go into their stepfather's arms. Even with the light atmosphere that I could only assume could be seen, you could feel the tension in the room with Bennett and Harrison. It made me sick thinking that a murderer had made contact with a sweet innocent child, who knew nothing about what was going on between her two brothers and their father. The Connor's giggles died down, so did Harrison's, leaving everyone in a silence, "Father." Bennett sneered. I just knew, at this moment, Bennett was glaring at his stepfather.

Yet another silence fell upon everyone in the room after Bennett greeted his father. The only thing I could currently hear was my heart beating a million times faster due to the fact that Harrison was not even a few feet away from me, "CC, can you go up to your room?" Bennett asked, "Uncle Reed is up there and he would like to show you a magic trick."

You could practically hear Connor pout, "But Benny! I wanna play with-"

"Connor, please." Bennett said, sharply, cutting her sentence off. Bennett knew she was going to say my name, and the fact that Harrison is in this room does not exactly help anyone's case.

"Okay Benny." She said, sad and defeated. I heard her little footsteps stalk off further and further away until I couldn't hear her anymore. Once I couldn't hear the small footsteps anymore, I heard loud movement in the room.

Someone's feet shuffle closer and closer to my hiding place, "So how have you been, Bennett?" Harrison asked. I could hear the proximity of where he was from the curtain I was hidden behind which wasn't too far away.

I heard, I'm hoping, Bennett move closer to the window which made me freeze up for the second time, "Why are you back so soon?" Bennett asked, not bothering to answer his question. His voice calmed me down a little because I knew he stood right in front of my hiding place.

I heard Harrison scoff, "Did your teachers teach you nothing in school? You can't answer a question with a question, son." Harrison said.

"I'm not your son." Bennett snapped.

Harrison laughed at this, "You're right. You're not, and you never will be." Harrison said, sharply, "You'll be the bastard child of the lousy, incompetent thing that's six feet underground." Harrison taunted. Bennett didn't bother interrupting his words, "He's dead, Bennett. He was never going to be fit enough to be called a father to you. He was never a father to-"

"Don't you dare say that about him. You'll never be the father he was to me. You're nothing compared to him." Bennett spat. This is the second time today that I've heard Bennett be this way, and I knew the worse was yet to come from both Harrison and him.

"Now, now Bennett. Remember who you're talking to." Harrison sneered, "Wouldn't want to be the cause of a death, now would you?" Harrison's words almost made me gasp. I wanted to say something, yell at Harrison for being a complete immature little crap, using innocent people's lives in blackmail with Bennett. I can't describe how infuriated I was right now with Harrison and myself. I couldn't stand not being able to choke him right then and there, however I knew better than to reveal myself to him.

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