SOPE-fic.6 : In The Closet

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— Yes, that's it... you're so hard here...— Taehyung lowered his hands and the younger moaned.

— There! oh Hyung, it feels so good- Ungh!— Jungkook frowned, his back just hurt so badly because of the exercise he had started doing with Seokjin.

— O-kay, this situation is way too sexual. I'm leaving.— Jimin shut his laptop and got up the couch, he was trying to watch a movie but the younger boys just were too much of a distraction.

The two other boys just looked at each other and giggled, — He said sexual.— Jungkook snickered.

Taehyung's laugh stopped when he remembered, — Oh! Jiminie, are we doing the thing tonight? the thing you told me about yesterday? you know, the thing.— He moved his eyebrows up and down with his signature smile, his eyes in half moons.

— What are you guys doing tonight?— Jungkook asked looking back at the walking blonde and at Taehyung. Since they were given what was left of the week free unexpectedly, the Maknae had no plans.

— Nothing, Kookie. And yes Tae, we are.— Jimin said and walked to their room, scratching the back of his head, yawning. It was 6 in the afternoon, but he was still feeling sleepy, maybe he would take a nap.

— Oh well. Hyung, keep messaging me, please. Your hands are the best.— Taehyung nodded and softly pushed the younger boy to lay on his stomach again.

— Hey.— Yoongi entered the room, stopping as soon as he saw the other two. — What are you two doing..?— He gave the younger boys a concerned look, the position they were in was either weird or too much sex was fucking up his head.

— Hyung. Did you buy chicken?— Taehyung asked as he pressed his hands against the Maknae's lower back, who shamelessly moaned and smiled.

Sometimes Yoongi thought the other members were gay. Then he remembered this was supposed to be a normal thing between them.

Boys will be boys, or something like that.

— Yeah, here it is.— he walked past the wide door frame and put down the two bags of food on the coffee table.

— Oh yes!— Jungkook got up pushing Taehyung off and sat on the floor, opening the boxes full of the delicious chicken he had asked for earlier. — Thanks, Hyung.— Jungkook smiled gratefully at Yoongi before biting on a first piece. Taehyung thanked him too and then sat beside the younger.

The black haired boy smiled and then frowned, his back ached. He stretched his arms up and yawned, he had been out all day and wanted to rest. — Ugh, I'm getting old. Kids, Hyung is gonna rest so don't bother him. Unless you don't wanna have children in the future.— He said before he started walking his way to the bathroom. Before disappearing, he asked where Hoseok was, a full mouthed Taehyung responded with a hand, pointing at the corridor where the rooms were, Yoongi nodded and carried on.


A few minutes went by and the two brown-haired boys finished eating, they were now drinking some soda and chatting over pointless stuff.

— Did you notice? He was wearing Hyung's underwear.— Jungkook took a sip and looked over at the older boy.

— Which Hyung?— Taehyung lied back against the couch with his arms spread and his legs stretched under the small table, an ankle on top of the other.

— He was wearing Hoseok's underwear.— He kept sucking on the almost empty soda.

Taehyung stopped at that exact moment any movement his body was doing. Such a thing was noticed by the younger boy and he bringing it up reminded Taehyung of the situation with Jimin just the day before.

Everyone (just Jimin and Jungkook, really) talked about it, but it just didn't click in Taehyung's mind.

— What?— he smiled, feigning not being interested, — Nah. How do you know it's Hoseok's?— He drank a bit of his soda and tried not to seem interested, failing.

Jungkook smiled, — It was bright red, no one other than Hoseok Hyung uses bright red underwear.—

His eyes went wide, —Well, shit-

— Tae!— Jimin whispered screamed as he 'ran' to the two boys on the floor. — We have to go, now.—

— What? Where?— Taehyung got up, Jimin was pulling his arm.

— Shhh! just come with me!—

Without any more words, the two elder boys left Jungkook alone in the living room not even giving an excuse. Taehyung put his shoes on and Jimin opened the door for him, were they going out? He didn't know.

— Where are we going?— Jimin gripped on to the bigger hand and pulled Taehyung out of the apartment, telling him to shut up silently.

— Yoongi and Hoseok are gonna do it, and we are gonna sneak in and take a peek, I told you before.—

Taehyung's face felt hot and he automatically pulled Jimin by the arm to face him, — What?! What are you thinking? Right now? You're crazy!— He was trying his best to be quiet.

— Don't be a baby! Come on, we can go in by the window while he's in the shower!— The blonde was way too excited.

— Jimin, this is a fourth floor.—

Jimin stood there quiet. He didn't think about this. —Shit. You're right. Sorry— The shorter boy said and walked into the house again.

— Let's be careful then. Hoseok is sleeping on his bed.— Jimin whispered while kicking off his shoes, then practically skipping towards the room Seokjin (who was no where to be found) and Yoongi shared.

Taehyung followed and the darkness of the room engulfed them. — Holy shit.— Jimin shut him up and pulled his ass in. He looked around and there was, in fact, someone on the bed and the tall boy almost stumbled and made a mess before getting to the closet. He opened the closet door and got in, Jimin had rushed to the closet and waited for Taehyung to close it completely. Good thing Yoongi's closet was big.

— This is crazy,— Taehyung whispered. They're so fucked.

Jimin smiled at him, — It was easy. I told you.—

Taehyung was about to snap something back at Jimin, but they heard the door open and immediately put their hands on each other's mouth's so they could be quiet. They could see through the closet door.

It was Yoongi, of course. The light from the corridor let them see he had a towel hanging from his hips and his hair was damp. The elder silently walked to his bed, where Hoseok was sleeping, sat down and turned on the lamp on the night stand, Hoseok was hugging a pillow.

— Hoseokie... I'm back,— Yoongi caressed his back and talked in a soft voice, the younger stirred awake and as he noticed it was Yoongi he puckered out his lips with his eyes closed, then receiving a peck from the elder.

The two boys in the closed looked at each other, never in the world would they have imagined this.

— Ngh... Hyung...— Hoseok opened his eyes and turned on his back, — You took so long,— one of his hands made his way under the towel and Yoongi flinched, Hoseok's hands were cold.

Both boys in the closet could just watch how the two elder boys started kissing each other, knowing they couldn't get away now.




i actually love this fic bc like it's my first, so yea

Its kind of like a mess but i like it

Chaps r short

But hey

Smut is cummin

Pls vote so i know i aint fuckin up

Bye hoes

here, sum good meme

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