Chapter 3: I can't stop loving you

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Seamus POV

I wake up and immediately get dressed. Just wanting to be with Aleks. I run out the door slightly early and rush to Aleks' house. He opens the door and grins at me. He's not wearing his hoodie and I can see a tattoo on his arm.

"Dude, that's awesome. Your eighteen?" He nods and tugs his hoodie on.

"Me too." I say, grinning at him. He grabs his bag and steps on the porch with me.

"You should come over tody." He says, adjusting the beanie atop his head.

"U-Uh, sure. Yeah." I remember the last time we hung out after school. Which was yesterday, so it's pretty easy to remember. Jeez, I wish I could build the bravery to ask him out. We walk to the stop and see James. The bus comes a little early and we're stuck with a slightly shorter morning joking and laughing.

Me and Aleks go to science, and realize we're early. Since he english room and the science room are across from each other me, Aleks, Eddie, and James all hang out in the hall. I see James blushing at Eddies giggling and his and Aleks' battering. Aleks smiles at me and when the bell rings, grabs my elbow and pulls me to science. While the teacher is droning on about the class I see Aleks out of the corner of my eye scribbling something down before he passes it to me. 'I need to talk to you at lunch. Privately.' It says. I not at him and subtly pass the notebook back to avoid getting caught.

At lunch me and Aleks go into the bathroom, in order to jaw some privacy.

"So, this is rather important." He says, fiddling with his hoodie. I nod. He looks me in the eyes for a second before looking at the door then back to me. He takes a deep shakes breath and leans forward, pressing his lips against mine. I kiss him back immediately, melting into his soft lips and I can hear the fireworks and sparks that never happened with Ash. I seriously thought it was a myth, but literal fireworks were happening in my head. We pull apart and smile at each other.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, holding his hand, my other hand wrapped around his waist and his other hand on the back of my neck. He nods and suddenly someone bursts in and we quickly step away from each other. I turn and see Derek. I stifle a swear as e glares at us.

"Fuckin' homos." He says as he crosses to the urinals.

"Don't enjoy this too much." He says, standing in front of one. Aleks and I run out the door and back to the lunch room. In the hall I start swearing a lot and Aleks looks paler than usual.

"Who was that? Y-you don't think he saw, did he?" He says, looking at me. His brown eyes filled with fear.

"Derek. He used to bully me all the time. And I... I don't know." Now he looks angry.

"No one fucking hurts my Seamus." He says, fist balled at his sides.

"What'd he do to you?" He asks, grabbing my forearm. I think back to 9th grade when he told me he loved me, and I shot him down. Since then he either flirts with me, tries to kiss me, or beats me up. I shake my head, staring down at my feet. I'll do anything to protect my Aleks. This includes standing up to Derek. I'm not goin to let him go as soon as he's mine. He's mine. My Aleks. My boyfriend.

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