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It was a bright sunny day in the middle of April.  Today you and Colby would be going out to a local park and going on a picnic since you hadn't seen each other in a few weeks.  Colby had told you in advance that everything would be taken care of and that all you had to do for this date was too show up.  Sounded easy enough, right? 

Colby told you to meet him in the park at 2:00 on the dot that day.  You began getting ready at about 12:00 after finishing yet another episode of your favorite show, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.  You started by laying out a few outfit choices on your bed before going in the shower.  You put different shirts to go with your shorts, or you put different shirts to go with your skater girl skirts.  You finally decided to wear a white flannel with red and navy striped going up and down the entire thing.  The you chose a pair of washed out blue short shorts with a simple black tank top tucked into it.  You put on a gold necklace that matched your new Michael Kors watch.  You then began doing all of your makeup starting at around the time 12:45.  You started with cover up powder and some concealer.  Then you put on eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. 

It was now nearing 2:00 and you started to walk over to the park.  It was only a few blocks away from your apartment so you enjoyed the walk.  

When you got there you saw no one familiar in sight.  All that was there was a bunch of kids playing on the playground and running around.  You kept walking through the park until you stopped under a tree to be in the shade.  You texted and called Colby to try and get a hold of him to see where he was. 

You just stood there texting and calling Colby hoping he would answer his phone.  As soon as you looked at your watch you saw it turn from 1:59 to 2:00 and just as the time changed you felt something on top of your head.  You felt flower pedals landing on your head and around your body.  They were surprisingly falling from the sky.  They gently reached the grass while some floated away with the wind towards the other side of the park.  It looked like they were moving in slow motion.  The pedals endlessly fell down from the tree and when you finally looked up you saw a very familiar face standing on one of the branches holding rose pedals in his hands. 

Looking up you smile and say "Hey stranger"

Colby stopped throwing the pedals and said "Hey Y/N, nice seeing you in this park today. Of all the parks in town we're both here" 

"Yeah it must be fate" you smiled and then added "is seeing you in a tree for the first time fate to"

"I guess it could be, now move over a little so I can finally get down from here"  Colby said as he positioned himself to jump out of the tree

Colby jumped down and planted his feet firmly on the ground and he immediately lifted you up by your waist and wrapped his arms around you.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders and he spun you around.  Then he placed you back on the floor.  Your fingers ran through his stringy loose dark brown hair. 

"So I made us a proper picnic" Colby said confidently. "If it doesn't look too edible then just put it down because I made it while in between editing videos with Sam"

"I'm sure it will taste fine even though it looks like something that crawled out of a sewer system" you say looking at what was inside the bowls on the picnic blanket 

"Thank you for lying but honestly if it's bad we can walk and go find some ice cream or a hot dog cart around the park" 

For a while you didn't bother eating the gross food because you and Colby were just laying on the picnic blanket together talking and catching up with one another.  You would sit there for over an hour talking about one topic and then completely transition to a new topic without getting bored of hearing each other speak.  

Staring into his beautifully glossy crystal blue eyes you couldn't help but smile even when Colby would just go on and on about his YouTube videos that you have heard endless times before. 

"So how's school been going?" Colby asked 

"It's actually been going terrible.  I was threatened to be kicked off of the field hockey team because my grades are atrocious this semester, and if I don't pull them up I'm off the team" 

"That sucks! Can't you just study more?" 

"Study more?! Colby I barely have any time to breathe between school, field hockey, dance, and working six days a week. It's too stressful" 

"You should try to limit everything so that you have time to breathe" Colby said laughing "You know breathing is pretty important" 

"Thanks Colby I guess I didn't know that breathing was important" you laughed as you leaned in and pecked Colby on his lips 

As you and Colby both couldn't look at the food anymore you decided to go for a walking together. 

"Some people have to see me in this amazing outfit" you said as you were excited to go for a walk 

"That outfit is amazing" Colby said leaning in and kissing you again 

There was a path that led you to all the different areas of the park and you began to walk on it as people would ride by on the bikes and roller skates.  Since it was getting later into the say a small breeze began to pick up and you could still see all of the rose pedals floating with the wind that Colby had previously thrown. 

Your hands were tightly interlocked with one another and you started taking Colby to your favorite part of the park.  There was a large statue of the Alice and Wonderland characters in the park. You both took a seat on the mushrooms that was build in front of the statue of the mad hatter. 

"I love you Colby" you said quickly looking up at the sky with your head on Colby's shoulder 

Colby didn't hesitate to answer and he said "I love you too Y/N" 

As the sun was beginning to set over the park it was getting a little colder. Colby saw you release a shiver and he took off his sweatshirt to give to you.  It was extremely large but it smelt like Colby. Your hands were still interlocked with one another and he passionately placed a kiss on your lips. You didn't pull back yet and you placed your hand on his cheek and he embraced having you with him in that moment and having you in his life. 

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