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Authors Note:  Hey guys!  If you're still around to read my imagines about Colby then I freakin' love you especially if you're liking, commenting, and sharing them around.  I also love all of my ghost readers too, but honestly just come join the party by liking and commenting and just making yourself known.  I love interaction with you guys in the comment section because you're all funny as hell. 

Anyways enjoy!! 

PS:  My birthday is in ten days!!!


You and Colby are finally back together again in the same time zone! For the recent time right now you and Colby have been in a sort of long distance relationship.  Colby lives in California and you lives in Chicago, Illinois attending a university there.  Other than Face Time and usually late night phones calls and texts throughout the day; you and Colby have yet to see each other for a few months, but finally you were going out to California to stay a few days in Colby's house with him and his roommates.  

It was December and you were off from school for the holiday break, yet California was still kind of warm. 

You ended up taking an Uber to Colby's house and hoped that he'd be home to greet you.  After ringing the doorbell a few times one of Colby's roommates, Jake, opened the door and his eyes bulged out of his head.  He squealed like a child and wrapped his arms around my back giving me a hug. You and Jake had been friends for years and he was actually the reason for you and Colby even acknowledging each other's existence. Now you and Colby were dating and life couldn't be better. 

"COLBY!!" Jake shouted up the stairs as loud as he could.  His tone changed to a more feminine sound and it made you laugh.  "Get your ass down here Colby Brock!" 

"What's up Jak--"  he said cutting himself off by slipping on the last step on the staircase.  You grabbed onto Colby to stop him from falling and he immediately grabbed you pulling you into his arms and squeezed the life out of you.  You patted his back signalling that you couldn't breathe. "What the hell?  I thought you were coming tomorrow?  When did you get here?  Why didn't you call me? Am I dreaming?" he answered his last question by poking your face and realizing it was real 

"I got an early flight because I was sick of the cold air in Chicago" you simply said as Colby grabbed you once more and placed a gentle kiss onto your lips.  You both refused to let go of one another until Colby tore his lips away from yours....

"Since you're here already let's go!" he exclaimed pulling you up the stairs towards the corridor that included his and Sam's bedrooms and bathroom.  You placed your duffel bag onto Colby's bed as he took two backpacks out of his closet.  "We're going camping" 

You rolled your eyes at Colby's idea.  Camping was a tradition for you and Colby.  Every time that you've been apart for a long time your reunions included camping.  It was the two of you being able to have a small escape for just one single night to be together. Colby lives his life in the public eye and constantly have to try and keep his privacy his own.  Ever since fans found out about you dating Colby the idea of you having as much privacy as you once did was no longer an option. You don't have things as bad and  as intense as Colby, but there are times where you can't go get food with friends because of the hate you'd receive from people.  So....camping alone together always seemed like such a good idea. 

However, you were tired from your flight and just wanted to sleep. 

That idea was not on Colby's radar at all. You decided to make Colby happy and not argue about being tired, so the two of you rushed out of the house to Colby's car and started to drive to find somewhere to camp out. 

Normally you would just camp on an actual campground nearby, but this time Colby wanted to do something different. The idea intrigued you, so you got more excited and held Colby's right hand as he drove eagerly with his left one. 

"Where are we going?" you asked 

"The beach!" Colby said with a smile on his face. You also let a smile show across your face, because you knew that Colby's favorite location ever was the beach. 

-Hours later-

Everything was now set up and ready to go. you and Colby had put up a large tent for the both of you to sleep in for the night. A ton of blankets were both inside and outside of the tent on the soft slightly cold sand, since the sun was setting.  There was a pit of wood set up in front of the tent where we would be starting a fire to keep ourselves warm.  The sky was almost completely dark except for the moon shining down and the newly started fire that had ashes flying off of the top of it dying out before they hit the sand.  The moon shined on the blue water illuminating it to look like there were crystals in the water.  

Colby put on one of his maroon 'Take Chances'  sweatshirt and she put two pillows on the blankets in front of the fire and said "Babe come sit down." You grabbed one of Colby's plain white 'Take Chances' sweatshirts to put over your  tank top and shorts.  "S'mores?" Colby asked 

You vigorously nodded your head because s'mores were your favorite thing to eat. The mushy marshmallows and melted chocolate were the best things ever. 

As the two of you ate the s'mores you and Colby would talk about anything and everything that popped into your head. Whether it was you finishing your schoolwork in Chicago or even Colby's career the conversation never ended. After being apart for a long time you were able to catch up with one another and not get bored of speaking. 

"Since I have a little bit of inside with THE Colby Brock, do you think I could get some free merch. I really love this sweatshirt specifically" 

"Of course babe. There's so many boxes of merch at the house you can just take your pick" 

You smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Colby's cheek. You rested your head on his shoulder as you both watched the fire continue to burn the wood underneath it. I think I might've fallen asleep on Colby's shoulders because when I finally felt my eyes flutter open I looked around the empty beach and saw Colby with his eyes closed.  The fire was almost out and the air was getting even colder.  You decided to grab another blanket and lay it across yourself and Colby before going back to sleep for the night. 

You leaned over and looked at Colby knowing he was asleep and said "I love you Colby Brock" before gently placing another kiss on his lips as he slept 

As you snuggled closer to him you heard a groaning sound and worried about waking Colby up from his sleep.  

"I love you too Y/N" 

"You heard that" you said looking away from Colby feeling your shoulders tense up. Colby placed his hand on your heck and pulled you closer to him.  "I didn't think you would hear that" 

"I'm glad I did" he whispered.  "I'll say it again and again....I love you Y/N" 

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