Chapter 3

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The gun went off.

I though it was aimed at me, nut it went sailing right past my head and out the window. On second thought, when did he open the window. Mr. Kidnapper said, "You jerk. What if I actually hit you. Or if I didn't know it was you."

A guy was at the window the next second. "You wouldn't of hit me even if you tried. Now little princess, if you could so kindly get in the backseat." I had decided to call him Mr. Kidnapper 2. After I did as he said he got in the backseat with me.

"Do you two find it fun kidnapping teenage girls?" I asked.

"We are not kidnapping you for our purposes, its for our king's. He wanted to have you." Mr. Kidnapper 2 said.

"You have said too much, John." Mr. Kidnapper 1 said. Well at least now I had one name.

"Who is your king?" I asked, because I knew most of the kings in the world and not to many would go to kidnapping me for their own purposes.

"King Ethan of Volandra." John said. 

When I get my hands on Ethan he is so dead. I thought. While hiding my anger I asked, "How much longer before I meet my doom to this Weirdo. There are no kings in the World and there isn't going to be any." I was feigning knowing anything about him.

Suddenly I was against the window with a knife to my throat. "Never insult the king in front of me ever again." John said.

"We're here." Kidnapper 1 said and we got out of the car. I was in front with the two behind me. We were at the castle. No big surprise there.

"The king is in his study." One of the guards said. I marched right up and went through the doors to his study, leaving everyone behind me in shock.

"How dare you have me kidnapped, Ethan! Sydney will bw so mad when she finds out you were behind this." I yelled at him.

"Raban. Calm down. What in the World is this about." Ethan said.

"I am so sorry sir. I know you said not to let anyone bother you." One of his guards said.

"You can leave." Ethan said firmly closing the door. "Please sit down and tell me what you are doing here and how you got here." I didn't need to sit down to talk to him.

"Well to cut it short I was kidnapped and Sydney was hit in the back of the head."

"What! What did you say."

"I said-"

"I know what you said."

"Ethan don't you dare snap at me. Now, if you excuse me, I will tell you the rest after I take a shower and get dressed. You didn't move any of my stuff, did you?" I  asked.

"No. You still have the same room you did and all your stuff is still there." He said and I left the room. The guards started to follow me but Ethan stopped them by saying, "Let the girl go where ever she wants. No restrictions. No one follows her."

The freedom he gave me was blissful. Of course he had no choice if he wanted me to tell him what happened. Being the highest ranking ling in the nation everyone had to follow his laws, but no one knew that he was king. Nor did anyone know about the silent war between our two peoples. Apparently his people didn't know I was from the opposing side or else I probably would have been dead right now.

Good thing mt feet remembered the walk to my room from the years I spent here, or else I would have been lost. The Palace was meant to confuse people who were prisoners or people that the king didn't want wondering around to find a certain place.

After a few minutes of being lost in my thoughts I finally made it to the tower stairs. My room was right up the stairs for privacy and because no one knew how to get to my room unless you knew the right place to search. To any normal person the stairs would led to brick wall but if you knew the right brick to push  you would enter my blissful sanctuary.

As soon as I entered I knew something was off. Someone else was in here and my room was not the way I left it. "What in the world are you doing in my room?" A squeaking females voice said.

"Your room. This has been and always will be my room." I answered back. This little twit was not what I needed at the moment. I pulled her hair and went down the stairs I just climbed. I went right back to the Ethan's study. I threw open the door and yelled, "Who is she and what is she doing in my room?"

Ethan looked shocked at what I was saying. "Where was she?"

"In. My. Tower. Room." I said, talking very slowly so he could hear each world. "I don't care what you do, but I want my room exactly like it was when I left it. If you need me I will be using your room now."

"Sir? Is she allowed in your room?" A nervous guard asked most likely because of my bluntness to the king.

"Yes she is. Top drawer furthest to the left." Ethan said, telling me where my spare clothes were. With that I spun on my heal and left. Everyone was flabbergasted that I, a nobody in their eyes, could tell their king what to do, but that only shows how much they do not know.

After I took a shower a got dressed in Ethan's bathroom, I finally came to a conclusion that his guards did not do as he said, and that women in my room was not welcome in the grounds. "Who was that women?" I asked out loud leaving the bathroom and didn't even notice Ethan until he answered me.

"Maria Conestana, I don't even know how she got into your room and how long she was in there for, so don't bother asking around." Ethan said, from his spot on his bed.

"Why did you have me kidnapped?" I asked.

"I did not say for you to be ambushed a Sydney knocked out. I said for you to be followed and protected." Ethan replied, then looked like he regretted it immediately.

"I can;t imagine why you would not want to tell me you had me followed and protected." I said sarcastically. "Why is it, that I can not protect myself with Sydney and Daniel around. Or is it that you don't trust me?"

"I'm sorry. I should have told you. I completely trust you. I guess I am just nerves about the peace agreements between our lands and the taking over of America, that anyone that knows can take you ransom." Ethan said.

"How are they still clueless about the world around them?" I asked.

"People only see what they want to see, I guess." He replied. Just then a breathless guard came and threw open the door saying "We're under attack!"



And that is where I leave you guys hanging from a tree.

So I have two new things to tell you guys about my life.

1. I just figured out how to put on my bracelet that has a clip, not the kind that you can just stretch over your hand. I realized that I needed to put both ends under my hair tie not just one.

2. According to my mom there is a movie called Finding Elmo. not Finding Nemo. Yes I know that is sad. I was singing in the car Just keep Swimming because she was falling asleep and I like to be annoying, whenever I can to my family.

So guys if you have any questions about the story or any of my other stories and I will try to answer any questions. PLEASE leave me comments. Even if it is something stupid like please update soon or you should keep writing. It will help me best get updates to you.


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