Chapter 10

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Authors Note:
The characters are up, incase you guys wanted to know what they looked like.


I sprawled myself across my bed. I was so happy to be back in New York. Jacob didn't sleep over cause he wanted to be with Reece instead. I was exhausted from Khalif and i's morning doings. He told me that he couldn't come until he finished things in California. I didn't mind cause I honestly wanted time for myself. I decided that I would just order food from my favorite restaurant and watch Netflix. I also had to plan for my 18th birthday which was next week. I don't know if I want to throw a big party or go away with my family and close friends to Dominican Republic.

There was a knock at the door. It opened revealing my dad.

"Hey" I say with a smile.

"Hey. Have you been thinking about what you wanna do next week?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I honestly don't know. Part of me wants to throw a party and the other just wants to go away"

"You know we can do both"

"That's a lot of money that is going to be wasted" I tell him and he shrugs his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter"

"Okay" I give in.

He sat on the bed with a cheesy smile.

"What do you want the theme to be?"

"I was actually thinking about a winter wonderland" I tell him and he claps.

"Great. I'll start making calls" he says and runs out of the room. I laugh and check my phone. I decided to FaceTime Khalif. After one ring he picks up.

"Hey sexy" he says and I'm immediately turned on. His dreads covered some of his face and he just looked yummy.

"Hey what you doing?"

"Honestly, nothing. I have a photoshoot with slim later on, so I have to get ready in an hour" he says in a boring tone and yawns.

"Oh okay"

"Yeah, so what have you been doing?"

"I've just been watching some shows on Netflix and eating" he laughs. "I also spoke with my dad about what I wanted to do to celebrate my 18th birthday"

"What's the plan?" He asks all excited.

"A party and then I want to go away to Dominican Republic"

"Ouuu, am I invited?"

"Of course, you are my boyfriend"

"And husband, remember that" he smirks.

"Not yet" I say and stuck my tongue out.

"Khalif, start getting ready" I hear a feminine voice say in the background.

"Who's that?"

"Don't worry, it's just my assistant, Isabella"

"Better be and she better stay in her lane" I warn and he laughs.

"She knows"

"Alright well Ima let you go cause I'm tired" I yawn.

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