1 - Amethyst POV

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He drove me crazy honestly. Not just crazy. Past insane. I glanced at him, his head buried in the midst of his papers, his pen scrawling more words in that one glance then what I had written for the entire test.

In a strange way I envied Atilla. Imagine being able to be so good, to simply put it. To have goals and achievements and loving parents behind you every step of the way. But I also hated him, for the fact that he was perfect and I wasn't.

Focusing my attention back to the paper, I snarled as quietly as I could and nearly ripped the test into minuscule pieces. There was the sound of rustling paper in front of me. Atilla had turned over his paper and was already checking his work. Meanwhile, I was still staring at the blank test in front of me, praying that it would automatically fill out if I thought hard enough.

The lines remained stubbornly blank.

How on Earth was I supposed to concentrate when the golden boy himself was right in front of me and would probably boast about his perfect score to me when we got our papers back? The only way I could get through this with some of my dignity intact would be to do it the Amethyst way. I scribbled down the first thing that came to mind. Smiling innocently, I stood up, shoved it onto the front desk and left, slamming the door so loudly I could feel the some of the others flinch.


"How did you go on that essay, Walker?" Atilla said loudly as he strode towards me in the hallway with his crowd of friends, or admirers, should I say. I scowled and ignored him. What did this kid do to deserve all this popularity? The girls behind him giggled, giving me fake sympathetic looks, while the boys sniggered stupidly.

"I don't know yet," I said sarcastically,"Maybe you ahould ask me that when I get it back."

"Feisty," he smirked. "Maybe you'll beat me on this one!" My cheeks flushed angrily as everyone laughed. I stormed to Atilla and punched him in the stomach. He cried out and fell to the ground, clutching his winded stomach. My heavy breathing was the only sound in the midst of silence. "Maybe you should think before you open your fat mouth," I spat. There was a quiet smatter of applause, and some grins around, for Atilla was envied by some of the other boys for being so popular. I gave a small bow and stalked outside.

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