Chapter 2

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*Ekho's POV*

"Ekho, darling it's time to wake up! It's your first day of school!" I slipped my glasses on as i heard my mom calling outside my door. I groaned and stretched as i let my eyes adjust to the light. I rolled out of bed and slipped my  feet into my warm bunny slippers. I stood up and stretched and walked out to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal and walked out to my balcon and sat on the loveseat i placed out there. I opened up my journal and began to write. I write about everything. My feelings on this move, the new school, the boy... I stood up and glanced over the balcony to see if he was there. Someone banged into my door and i jumped, dropping my journal... onto HIS balcony.

"Shit!" I looked around and saw a group of vines on the side of the building. I tugged on them and they seemed sturdy enough. I swung myself off the balcony and started to climb down the vine to his balcony. I was covered in dirt and sweat and still needed to get ready for school. I inwardly sighed as i got closer and i swung one leg and my body onto his balcony when my other foot got caught. I let out a terrifying scream as i thought i was going to plumet to my death.

*NIalls POV*

I woke up to a terrifying sound coming from my balcony. Running out in my boxers i noticed the girl dangling half onto my balcony and her leg caugth up on the vines.

"Shit, are you okay!?" I ran over and helped pull her onto my balcony. She was a mess. There were leaves in her hair and sweat had run down her face. I pulled her onto her feet and turned her to face me. She was staring at her feet and was twiddling her thumbs.

"Im fine, thank you." Her voice was light and airy and frankly quite cute. She smiled up at me with her perfect teeth and i noticed she had clear braces just like i used too. She caught me staring at her mouth as she quickly put a hand over her full, soft pink lips. She bent down and picked up her glasses and out them on. She bowd her head and looked at the ground behind me. "Im sorry, i dropped my notebook down onto your porch. Do you mind if i get it?" She asked meekly. I started laughing. She looked taken back.

" Why...didn'" I asked between laughs, her face now crimson with embarrasment.

"I didn't really think of that... I...uh... didn't want to wake your parents." She replied softly her cheeks returning to their normal color.

" It as sweet of you to think that, but they go to work at 5 so they are long gone. However since you did not know that i'll let it slide just this once." I said as i handed her the notebook. "Let me show you out, I need to get ready for school. I mean im sure you dont want to see me naked, as you have already seen me in my boxers. Her eyes went wide with suprised and she quickly checked me out and the crimson color returned to her cheeks.

"Oh...oh gosh... ill go." She said as she hurried out the front door and up the stairs. Cute girl, i thought laughing to myself as i closed my front door.

*Ekho's POV*

That was the most downright embarrassing thing ever. I ran into my house and to my room finally looking in the mirror.

"Oh my god." I was a wreck leaves were stuck in my hair, i was covered in sweat, dirt on my clothes and i was missing a slipper. No wonder why he was laughing at me. I took a quick shower and put the school uniform on. Way to go mom and dad. Send me to a school with a uniform. At least there are casual Fridays. I blowdried my hair and put on my foundation and mascara. Sliding into my loafers, i looked in the mirror. It was hardly a improvement. I grabbed my bag and an apple and closed the door behind me. I pushed my glasses up and walked down the stairs, ready to walk to the bus. Here i come new school, be ready.

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