Broken Road

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*Ekho's POV*

"Crap!" I slammed the box down on the table. I sat on the ground and rubbed my big toe. I glared at the leg of the kitchen table that i just stubbed my toe on. I stood up and ripped open the box and started unpacking dishes and putting them away. My mom slammed the front door open and shuffled in with a big box and kicking the door shut behind her.

"God Ekho, these boxes are heavy!" She exclaimed, dropping the box to the floor and collapsing on the couch. No really, that what happens when you move. I thought to myself. BANG! We heard a crash coming from the stairs. I hurridly opened the door and saw my dad and a mover picking my bed up again and start towards the door.

"" My dad grunted as they took the bed too my room.

"You wouldnt have to carry it if we didnt have to move." I mumbled. My mom glanced at me and sighed.

"We talked about this already Ekho. Your dad got this amazing job oppurtunity so we transferred to London. Can we not go through this discussion again! Please. Just go to your rom and set it up. We are ordering Chinese for dinner." She huffed and walked into her room. I got a glass from the box and filled it with tap water and walked to my room. I opened the door and walked into the pale purple room. The only good thing about this move was my new room. My vanity was set up on one wall and the door to MY bathroom was open, I walked to the french doors that led to my balcony and pulled them open. I walked out and leaned on the railing. The air was crisp with the smell of light rain and wet leaves.I took a deep breath and looked down. I gasped and pushed away from the balcony. Someone was looking up at me from the balcony below.

*Niall's POV*

I climbed up the stairs heading home from the bakery down the street when i saw to men struggling with dragging a bed up the stairs. They both gave me a big smile and continued up the stairs. I walked into my house and tossed the box of pastries on the kitchen counter and walked to my room and shut the door. I walked onto my balcony and sat on my hammock and read the texts on my phone.

To: Niall

From: Leila <3:

Baby we need to figure out what we are wearing to homecoming! Got to look HOT!

I rolled my eyes as I texted her back. Leila was my girlfriend of 2 years and sometimes she was a bit of a nightmare. We are the IT couple in school. I hate planning things like this. I usually let her decide all this while i hang with my mates. My phone buzzed again.

To: Niall

From: Haz

Mate, need to hang, im being suffocated by Claire...

I laughed as i texted him back. I stood up and slid my phone into my pocket and leaned on the balcony. The smell of strawberries caught my attention. I looked up and saw a girl with wavy, ebony black hair holding onto the railing. She subconciously pushed her black rimmed glasses up her nose. She looked down at the moment and the last i saw of her was her sea green eyes before she went back inside. Who was she? I went back in my room and layed down on my bed to take a nap. She was something else, I thought as I drifted off.

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