Chapter 1 || Rock Bottom

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Throughout the entirety of my life, I've always enjoyed watching movies and reading books and watching ordinary girls like Cinderella being transformed into magical princesses who completely rule their lives and get the guy or are recognised for being the fairest in the land like Snow White, but me on the other hand, I would describe myself as a cross between pre-ball Cinderella working my ass off and Sleeping Beauty because the amount of time I sleep is pretty much 100 years. So no, I'm not brave like Mulan or impetuous like Ariel, I'm just me. Nothing special. Just an awkward, overworked teenager who goes to the local public with no social status whatsoever and no looks or talent. So yeah. Disney would have definitely passed on my life if they were to turn it into a movie.

'SARA!' My psychotic German mother screamed through the hallway of my old red brick house.
'Oh crap!' I moaned as I got out of bed.
Do you ever feel like you've been living the same exact day on repeat for the past 5 years? Because same. Every morning I wake up get ready for school, meet Up with my BFF Samantha (who I've known since the dawn of time. We met holding a crocodile at my neighbours reptile party when we were 4 and have been inseparable since. we were also given the nickname "Salt and Pepper"  because we were that close) and her mum drives us to school every morning in her silver Honda.
'Are you girls excited for your excursion?' Samantha's mum said trying to break the silence between us.
'Meh' Samantha and I both said in sync, expressing our disinterest.
'I drove for the first time this weekend!' I said, trying to break the silence that once again loomed in the car.
It's not that we hated being with each other or that we were fighting, but when Samantha is tired, it's pointless trying to talk to her. She spends her time binge watching YouTube videos all night, in particular Troye Sivan or Connor Franta.
'Oh wow how exciting!' Samantha's mum replied enthusiastically to try and wake Samantha up. 'Are you learning manual or auto?'
'Manual' I replied. ' I think that it's important to learn all of the hard things first so when the time comes, all of the other stuff will be easy.'
Samantha shot me an approving smile, but yawned straight after and rested her head on the window.
We finally reached my school where there were other year 11 students waiting to go on the biology excursion. Samantha and I sat down and conversed for a few minutes, soon to be interrupted by the bell and a flood of students also going on the biology excursion. Amongst those students, 2 of my other friends Kaitlyn and Alifa, hiked to the top of the steep driveway at the top of our school.
'Hey guys!' Alifa said in a bubbly voice.
'I'm not.' Said Samantha jokingly.
'SHUT UP YEAR 11, I'M TRYING TO CALL THE ROLL!' screamed one of the science teachers. Everyone fell silent, but the roar of everyones conversations eventually went back to its original volume, the further down the roll she read. 'IS RACHEL HERE?' The teacher asked like an angry dictator about to kill its army.
'No.' Replied Natalie, shyly.
'CALL HER NOW!' The teacher demanded as she neared was the boarder line of insanity.
'She just woke up.' Replied Natalie.
'Where does she live?Are you a runner? Replied the teacher. At this point she was desperate. This excursion contained vital information for our test for this term.
'She lives 5 minutes down the road, I'll just go get her' replied Natalie as she bolted around the curb from our  school.
We had to wait 20 minutes for Rachel and Natalie to return, but once they did come back, the Teachers prompted the bus drivers to leave.

During the bus ride, the four of us gossiped the entire way to Bi-Centennial park, which if you don't know, used to be a dump in the 70's and got converted into a park when Sydney won the Olympics so the government could put a bandaid on top of a giant environmental issue, and redirect the run off from the rubbish underground elsewhere. Anyway, we learnt about mangroves and its ecosystem, which I surprisingly already knew a lot about. Unfortunately everyone got bitten by mosquitoes and by lunchtime, were covered in bites.
'Is that a bird?' Alifa said while she ate her pasta, pointing up at the bird that was perched on the railing of the shelter.
'Nah, it's a walrus you punk in the asshole!' Kaitlyn replied humorously. She always had a new saying each month. Last months was "lit" *gag*.
'I think you should have brought your glasses.' Samantha said.
'I know but I couldn't be bothered." Alifa replied in a monotonous voice.
Soon we had to put our bags away in the "Education Centre", where I saw my teacher talking to a long neck turtle making kissy faces at the poor guy.
I turned around  after putting my bag down to try and find my friends, but they were already outside. The room became crowded as a Boys school came in through the small doorway blocking my exit. I was so close to the exit until I tripped on one of the boys feet and fell face flat onto the floor.
'Are you okay?' He asked me concerned. He had green eyes and his brown hair was combed over neatly and set into place with hair gel.
He was so fucking GORGEOUS!

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