Chapter 2|| looking up at him

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I followed the outstretched hand upwards, to his strong shoulder, his neck and then to his God like face. He had olive skin and green eyes the pierced my heart when I looked deep into them. His dark brown hair was neatly combed over to the left side of his head, and his smile spread across his face, giving me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

'Are you ok?' the gorgeous god looked at me with concern.
' Yeah, I think I'll be fine. 'I said taking his hand to pull me up off the ground.
At this point in time, we were surrounded by not only our schools, but the local catholic school which was notorious for harvesting sluts.
"So what's your name?" he asked as he pulled me closer to him.
"Sara." I replied giddily. I could feel my cheeks flooding with heat. This GOD wanted to know my name. I couldn't believe it!
"I'm David." He replied with a sexy side smirk. God he was so fucking hot! He then continued, "I don't want to sound upfront or anything, but I think you have the most beautiful eyes and I'd love to take you out sometime."
I could barely stay up standing.
"Yeah ID LOVE TO! I mean... yeah ok." Is said awkwardly.
We exchanged numbers and then broke through the crowd to meet our friends. We all walked outside and SQUEELED!
"Where can I get one of those? On the floor?" Alifa said jokingly as we strolled back to the school bus.
"I'm still trying to comprehend what happened" I said to the girls.
"So are we" the all said in sync. I NEVER talk to guys, I'm tooooo awkward for that kind of stuff.

Later on that night I got a text.
"Hey Sara. So there's this really cool place called The Grounds and I'd really love to hang out with you. Sound cool?-Dave"
I then waited 2 minutes to reply " sounds fun! How about 10:00am?"
"Sounds great! Also, Bring your sunglasses "

That was quite an odd request but...ok?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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