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So this ship was suggested by Bacon_Pancakes00 so shout out right there. Yes people I did ask crystalsky726's permission and was allowed to do this so sit tight and I hope you like it :D


Lawrence had finally made his decision. He was going to ask Rachel "the question."Where in the world could I find the perfect ring?! She doesn't deserve just some cheap ol' ring. I need something thing that just shows that she's beautiful and the best person I know!" Lawrence thought."I need help" He said and immediately called all their friends."Ok so guys I'm proposing to her today. I already asked her to dinner and the plan's all set. I just need a ring."Lawrence discussed. After a few minutes of fangirling and screaming Samuel said "You don't have the ring yet?! What're you going to do? Propose to her with a bagel?!" They all laughed. Then suddenly Rachel arrived."Hey guys what's up? Why are you having a meeting without me?" She asked. "Don't mind that.Um, how about we all go to the mall? You know, have some fun and stuff." Shawn quickly said then winked at Lawrence. "Yeah, yeah sure!" Michelle said. So they all went to the mall. "Okay guys you keep her distracted while me, Vicky and Shawn go look for a ring." Lawrence said while Rachel was distracted. So they secretly left and went to the ring shop. "Hey how about this one?" "Nah" was all that they would say. "Oh look this is the perfect one!" Shawn said. "Hmm, maybe you should wait and give that to Vicky." the next thing we know, they were kicked out the store for breaking the glass with a chair. "Great. I see why Lawrence asked me too come along." Vicky said to herself while seperating the two boys. Luckily they found another one and got the right ring and quickly left before they get kicked out again. They then met up with the gang. "HEY! HEY! OVER HERE!" Charles shouted at them. "Where have you guys been? We went to the arcade and the anime-con upstairs! It was so fun!" Rachel said. "Nevermind that. Hey look at the time! It's time for our dinner." Lawrence said. "We're going home. I'm kinda tired already." Dennis announced. "Aw too bad. Well anyway let's go Lawrence!" Rachel enthusiastically said. So they went and ate dinner. "Wish someday I could be like them. So happy together." Rachel said while looking at the married couple behind them. "Well why don't you?" Lawrence asked. "Well someone's got to ask me to marry them first. Duh!" Rachel replied. Then suddenly Lawrence got out of his seat and got on one knee. "Tying your shoe? Wait does it even have laces?" Rachel said. "Haha very funny. So let me go on with it. Rachel Leigh, ever since highschool I've fallen for you. I've loved you and you loved me back...(One speech later that I did not want to type because I don't like that kind of stuff) So will you make me the happiest man on Earth and be my bride?" Lawrence said.After a few moments of suspence,"Yes.Yes!YES!" Rachel tearfully said. Then they heard a snap. It was Michelle's camera. "How long have you been there? You stalker Michelle! I will beast mode later! adkjsjdGIVE ME A COPY OKAY!ajsaksd" Lawrence commanded. Then suddenly the entire gang was noticed by Rachel. "Meet my best friends and blind fiance." Rachel thought. At the wedding there was so many fangirls from their old school that they were kicked out too."You may now kiss the bride!" The priest exclaimed. Then the newlyweds finally kissed in this chapter.


Thanks for reading! ;D

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