(Chap 1) It's Back

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Aphmau's POV

"APHMAU COME ON BREAKFAST!' Kaitlyn yelled waking me from my little amount of sleep. "ugh, COMING KAITLYN" I said rubbing my eyes and getting out of bed. Lately i've been getting strange turning spikes at night... Mari is busting to come out, I can control it but i hope its stops soon "damn, I miss you guys..." I say looking at the picture under my pillow as I roll out of bed. Putting on my summer clothes (above) and walk out of my door and locking it. "Morning Kaitlyn." I say smiling my ever so famous fake smile. "Hey aphmau, how did you sleep? She asks. "Good, hey where Kawaii~Chan?" I ask curiously. "She left, she had an earlier shift then me" " oh okie well i'm going to hang out with Aaron soon so i'm going to grab my bag and head out" I say quickly i'm lying and I hate it but I have to... " okie well i'm leaving see yah" "bye..." I say as she leaves. I run to my room and go to my onsweet and grabbing my blade and slowly cutting small cut onto my wrists. bandaging them up quickly and covering them with my make up. 

Then i head quickly to Aaron's keeping my head down so that the boys don't try to flirt with me, especially travis. I make it to Aaron's and let myself in and sat on the couch with him. We started to watch a movie but I wasn't paying attention as I was lost in thought.


After the movie I rushed home said hi to Kaitlyn and Kawaii~Chan then run to my room before Mari showed up. I realised what it meant now. On the way home I saw a flyer for Freddy Fazbears... Its back... Pulling me in and the guys in obviously wanting us to come back. I can sort of control it but it's getting stronger. Once I transform back I quickly upload my Monday video onto youtube. Then rush outside to call a number i hadn't called in 10 years.... Max.

 Hey Baby Gingers hope you enjoyed babes see yah soon

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