Proglue: Far From Perfect Life

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Prouglue: Far From Perfect Life

Selena's POV

I woke up this morning tromping down the stairs , In my combat boots .TROMP! TROMP! TROMP! TROMP! I tromped down the last step as I made my way for the kitchen praying my mom wasn't there In there.

This morning  was the last day I wanted to speak to her. I sighed as I saw her making breakfast for my little brother , Tyler....I mean figures , she'd be do here I mean ,when do I pray?

''Hey, little scamp watcha eatin?'' I asked Tyler goffy smile on face. I loved my lil bro, none of this was his fault, and I had no reason to take the pain of my crummy life on them when only My parents were the real ones to blame.

''Hey, Lena.'' My mom said fake smiling. Knowing that nothing that she said or did, could make me ever forgive her, or be happy today.  I saw what she was making on a skillet.....I nearly growled.

Did, she hate me. No, like seriously did she hate me. I can't believe It. Here I am leaving, and she makes ham, sausage, bacon, steak. God!!. I'm a freak in vegetarian, and she makes a meat lover omelette, I had to go before I barfed.

"Lena, wait comon I'm sorry I forget....just, um the eggy part?" Ughh!!  groaned. Pushing her out the way to run upstairs and cry. I jumped on the bed putting the pillow above my head, the tears never flown this hard since the incident 5 years ago.

I cried until It felt like the tears would dry up then I quickly got up and grabbed an old swiss army pocket knife, slicing my wrist up, and down making a heart. I got It my 10th birthday, and I sure did kept that promise that I'd always use It.

It was ironic since I had nothing In my heart but my love for my little brother. He was 10 and, didn't care about girls, god forbid he ever stop think they have cooties. But, was also very venerable, because he loved and cared about our Dad.

And, no matter how deep the cut, was It hurt one-thousand times more to think. I loved him too which made me hate my wrecked life worse. I didn't shed a tear as I drew a jagged line, down my now broken heart.


I got up to see we where at some beach house. Goodbye New York, hello Florida! :-\  I saw my Dad, walk out of the door and I stayed In the car, while Tyler ran out to hug not caring he barely got a phone call In 5 years.

''Sel, you have to go your Dad wants you and your staying.'' She said making me roll my eyes. ''You mean how munch he carded, visited, even call me these past 5 years." I said tears swelling up In my eyes.

I couldn't believe this. I hated my life, I hated my Dad, and my mom. Sure, It wasn't my Moms fault. But , for her to take things so lightly pains me. And, that she's dating, not even missing him. I miss my Dad, I mean Brian. And, I hated her boyfriend Austin.

''Sel, he loves you, and I honestly feel worse than you do about It all.'' She said her eyes growing puffy. ''Don't call me that.'' I said slamming the door, hearing her try to call me. ''Hey Le--'' I cut my Dad off shoving on him, pushing past to see the beach and how jealous I was of the waves, everything was peaceful, and never broken.

Jessica's POV

It hurt to see her like this. She was my first and only Daughter who I cared for very munch and It hurt keeping things from her. I saw Brian and almost jumped into his arms, but he bluntly shoved me off.

''Its good to see you, after all these years.'' I said fake smiling... which I've been doing a lot of lately. ''Its good to see the kids.'' He said. All. My. Fault. ''Lena Is.......yeah.'' I said almost crying."She hates me .'' He said .

''No, she loves ya know that teenage rebellion thing she got going on.'' She said. "Teenage rebellion starts when you're a teenage , this was before...this Is hate.''He said. ''She. Loves. You. Tyler. Loves. You. They should truly hate me, all the lies, secrets......I think we should tell....all of them' I said.

That made him furious. ''I want my Lena to love me, but I rather her hate me , then her be In pain because I care about her more than I do me.'' He said angry but I saw the glint of tear In his eyes. ''Sorry, Its just ummm----

''DAD!! DAD!! DAD!! WHEN WHEN WERE PASSING BY, I SAW BILLBOARDS ADVERTISING THE FAIR, AND I WANTED TO SEE THE BEACH FIRST .......BUT NOW THAT I HAVE , CAN WE GO?!! CAN WE GO?!! CAN WE GO?!! '' Tyler yelled. ''Sure, bud.'' He said. I felt bad he was the brave solider , was I hid behind In fear.

Justin's POV

''5..4..3..2..1-SMACK-!!!" I heard my hand, burn as I gave the ball a hard hit scoring our time a close 41-40 win. This was a home game, and we were showing just how tuff Floridians could be.My team was chanting my name, but one stood above all the rest. Ashley, 

(A/N: The girl who plays Allison from Pretty Little Liars- Sasha Pieterse or whatever, plays Ashley .......I would've just used her but, she honestly looks like a Ashley or Allison, plus that's the name of Will's ex on The Last Song, Original.)

She had on white satin cover up, and as If she were stripping slowly took It off, showing up baby blue polka-doted bikini. She loved any type of blue because It looked great on her especially since her eyes were a beautiful tourqouise. I was a sexy, rich, popular, talented, athletic, guy, and Ashley was like my other half a sexy, popular, talented, athletic girl. We we're the perfect match.

I grabbed her hands, pulling her toward the food trucks. They were open by the court since, the fair was open nearby. I loved them the fries,Philly cheese steaks, and elephant ears. I love It all. "Eckkk, I guess we

can get something from these.....grimy trucks until we get something .......better to eat.''She said.

''And, why do you want any anyways you can buy 1000 trucks, and still have enough for 5 Taco Bell, and Chick-Fill-A not that I eat that disgusting slop!"She said frowning. "Whatever.'' I said pissed. I then saw my buddy,

Scooter approaching giving him a down 5. ''Hey, man you want something.'' I said pointing at an ice cream truck.

''Nah.'' He said shaking his head. I went over to get an snow cone. ''Two rainbow snow cones.'' What?!! I I could've got more. "Thank You, mam. And , can I say you look beautiful, call me -writes fake number in her hand maybe we can get together some time.''  I say winking taking advantage of them younger girl working who had to be around 20.

''Thank you. You know what I'll give you an extra all free of charge.'' She said blushing. "Thanks beautiful.'' I said pecking her hand. Man, girls were to easy, that's why I loved my Ashley she was just like me. I smiled not paying attention to where , I was going and before I knew It my snow cones were In the air.

It all fell on some girl with long beautiful black hair who was holding a smoothie which was luckily fine.GOD! SHE WAS BUYING ME MORE SNOWCONES!! Even, If I didn't pay for them. ''So gorgeous, sorry bout your shirt. '' I said taking her hand. She shrugged me off, which sort of ticked me ....I mean that's never happened.

''Sorry, just got mesmerized In those beautiful brown eyes.'' I said stroking her cheek. ''DON'T TOUCH ME!" She yelled .OK, so now I was pissed but I breathed. ''So, how bout yous get my cones and I'll give you something In return.'' I said face inches from hers, god I was disgusted by this chick.

"OK.'' She said giggling. Check and mate! She got nearer me , I could feel her lips on mine when she put all the snow cones from her shirt all over me, and dumped her smoothie down on me. ''Gave you your cones, now what are you gonna give me.'' She said laughing. Bitch. Had some dumb crush, to be she was never gonna get with me.

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