I'm Always Here-- Dean and Crystal

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This is something I wrote for one of my very best friends ever, Crystal, earlier this year <3 :)
"Dean, I just want to be alone right now, I don't wanna talk" I said softly into the receiver.
"Why? What's wrong babe?" He questioned, worry coming into his beautiful voice. Dean has been here for me since I stepped into the WWE and he's been nothing but sweet to me, and he puts such a smile on my face. He's like my big brother, but I couldn't help but want more...he's just so, how do I put it, perfect. He always hugs me and tells me how awesome I did when I get out if a match, he deals with anyone that's giving me shit whether backstage or in the regular world, we always talk on the phone when we're sent to different cities... He has amazing eyes, his hair is a cute little mop that I'll always find myself brushing out of his eyes, his smile lights up a room, and his laugh is perfect... I love everything about him. "Crys?" He said a little worriedly, I must've trailed off in my thoughts about him.
"Hm? Oh, don't worry about it, I really just don't wanna talk right now Dean" I stated. He sighed loudly on the other side of the line.
"Okay, fine. Bye Crystal, I'll talk to you soon then"
"Okay... Bye"
I hung up the phone and just laid on my bed. It was the fact that my family was driving me utterly fucking INSANE lately. My sister would text or call being a little prick, my mom would call and be an unsupportive little bitch, and don't get me started on my grandparents. They really just out me in a sour ass mood today and today was one of those days that I was ecstatic that I was old enough to live alone.
About an hour later there was a knock on my front door and I was wondering who the hell that could be. I got up and went and opened the door to find Dean standing there in a tight ass black t-shirt. Blue jeans, and sneakers. His hair was messy as usual and was obstructing his beautiful blue eyes, but he still looked like a god. "Hey... I'm really sorry I just kinda showed up here but I really couldn't help it after hearing you on the phone" he apologized and leaned on the doorframe. It took me a second to respond because I was still hung up in his appearance.
"Uhm, no... It's fine, uh, come in" I said backing up a little and letting him in. He stepped through the door and immediately turned to me as I closed the door. "Crys, please tell me what's wrong, it's been bugging me since we talked, I need to know what's up" he pushed.
"Dean, don't worry about it" I assured leaning back against the door.
"You see, I can't do that"
"And why not?"
He moved closer to where I was and kept eye contact with me.
"I can't because it kills me when you're sad. I always want to do whatever I can to keep that amazing smile on your face because I die a little when I see a frown come onto your lips, I hate seeing tears come down your cheeks, I hate everything about you not being happy. Please, tell me?"
His face was a good enough distance from mine, but I still wanted to reach up and bring his lips to mine. "My family is pissing me off. They're not being supportive of what I'm doing and they're all saying shit about me falling on my face and getting fired... Dean what if they're right?" I said worriedly, tears starting to sting my eyes. His hands cupped my cheeks and held my face so my gaze would keep his.
"Crystal don't you dare ever say that again. You're a fantastic Diva, you're better than every damn Diva in the back and you should think no differently. Don't listen to what they have to say because they're wrong. You're prefect at what you do and you're not getting fired, Vince, Steph and Hunter ADORE you, God, I adore you. Crystal I love you... Please, don't believe them, and smile... For me?" He started straight into my eyes the entire time he spoke and I couldn't believe how passionate he was about what he was saying. He loves me? I let out a breath and smiled at him. "I love you too Dean" I confessed quietly. His eyes lot up and his lips curved into the smile before he pressed them roughly to mine. He disconnected our lips and rested his forehead against mine. "Don't let them get to you, I'm always here for you, and you're amazing... Always remember that"

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