The Hammock-- Cody and (Y/N)

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Your boyfriend Cody Rhodes and you had been put on mandatory vacation for 2-4 weeks since you both refused to miss a WWE event in the past year and a half. You'd both decided that you'd rent a little house in the country to get away from the fans always looking for autographs once you step out your front door... But most of all... You two just wanted to be somewhere quiet and alone. There was a hammock in the backyard near the pool there and you would spend so much time in that hammock just thinking about everything in your life. You'd think about your WWE career, your friends, family... But most importantly... How you managed to get such an amazing guy like Cody... That is until he'd get out of the pool and toss you in, following in shortly after you. One night out there you had just gotten out of your shower and gotten dressed in your pajamas to go to bed, but you couldn't find Cody anywhere around the house. You eventually walked outside down towards the pool when you saw him in the hammock. You stood at the top of the concrete stairs that led down to the pool leveled ground. "So now you see why I like the hammock so much" you joked. He looked over to see you standing there. He chuckled "Yeah" he replied "it's really relaxing" he moved over and motioned you to come down next to him. You went down to him without hesitation and he wrapped his arm around your waist and you both laid there silently looking up at the purple/pink sky that was dotted with numerous stars. You moved your head to lean on his shoulder and loved that you two were there alone, without worry for at least another 3 weeks. Before you could realize it Cody pulled you up on top of him and caught your lips with his. You felt his hand rubbing along your sides and your lower back and you rubbed your fingers against his shoulders and neck. You pulled your lips off of his and looked down at him smiling. "How did I ever get so lucky as to have someone like you?" you asked softly. Cody chuckled lightly.

"I ask myself the same question every day... I've got to be the luckiest guy alive to be able to call you mine (Y/N)" he replied softly, smiling genuinely up at you.

"I love you Cody"

"I love you too babe" he told you as he connected your lips once more, and you just loved that.

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