Similar Symbols {Scout x Reader}

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Everyone has a necklace/tattoo of a symbol and their soulmate's symbol matches.

Dog tags. Ever since you were a baby you had a pair of dog tags. But your name wasn't on them. No it had a symbol on it. The symbol of your soulmate. It was a circle with a foot that had wings on the ankle. You didn't know what it meant but you loved it since it had to do with your soulmate.

You made your way down the dust ridden path. You were going to your new job. You were going to be a Merc for the (team color) team. A wonderful lady names Miss Pauling offered you the job and also a ride to the facility. What more could you ask for. You held onto your dog tags as they hung from your neck. You sighed as you thought about your soulmate. You always wondered what they would be like.

You suddenly felt the car stop. You tucked your dog tags into your shirt. You got out of the car following Miss Pauling into the building carrying your bag. This job is a dream come true. You looked around the building as you walked in.

As soon as you walked in you saw all the men standing there staring at you. Miss Pauling looked at all of them and then said, "This is (Y/N). She is the new Merc." She motioned to you as she spoke. You smiled and waved at the boys. None of them spoke for a while as they looked over. Finally one of them spoke up. He had cap with headphones over it on and a Boston accent. "Heya toots. I'm Scout,"he said with a smile. All of the other men introduced themselves in order.

You looked over the men as they were introduced waving to them each. But your eyes kept going back to the first male, Scout. You looked over him as he stood there. He seemed to have noticed when he said, "like what ya see sweet cheeks." Your only response was an eye roll and a smile. Miss Pauling looked over the male's before saying, "you guys better be nice to her because she won't hesitate to beat you up when she needs to." You flashed a toothy grin. You never were one to turn down a fight. That's why being a merc was such a great job for you. "Scout. Show (y/n) around the base," Miss Pauling said before turning and leaving the base.

You stood there for a second with all eyes on you before felt Scout grab your hand leading you down the hallway with the bedrooms. You noticed everyone's door had a symbol on the outside. Scout pointed out his room and your heart started to beat fast. You noticed his symbol was the symbol that was on your dog tags. You dropped you bags and hugged him. He was shocked at first but soon warmed up to the hug. "What was that for?" He asked trying to hide his blush. You smiled tears in the corners of your eyes. You take the dog tags out from your shirt and showed them to him. They had his symbol on it. Scout looked shocked and took out his dog tags that had the same symbol. "Looks like your my soulmate. I've been wanting to meet you forever. I was so scared I wasn't going to meet you," you said as tears rolled down your cheeks. They were tears of happiness.

Ever since you two found out you were soulmates you were inseperable. No matter what you were together.

Well this was my first soulmate au story. I hope you guys like it! Sorry it's kinda short!

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