Scars {Medic x Reader}

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The only way for your scars to disappear is when your soulmate kisses them goodbye.
(Self harm scars mentioned so tw)

The tall German sat hunched over the pile of medical files on his desk. He pushed up his glasses as his eyes scanned over the folders. He noticed one of them was still practically empty. The file belonged to (y/n). She was new to the team of mercs but damn was she amazing. The way she fought brought him to his knees.

The reason she didn't have much in the file was she refused. She was always very secretive. Not many people knew much about her. Everyone mostly just knew her name and a few interests because of ceasefire days. The doctor didn't understand why the female was so secretive. He was happy that at least he knew a tiny bit more about her than the others.

He thought about it for awhile when he got an idea. That was it. He had decided what he was going to do. He was going call her down to get to know her even more than he did already and do a check up. It was a brilliant idea. He'll be able to kill two birds with one stone. He picked up the phone and called her down over the speaker

He sat patiently in his chair waiting for her as he pet his pet dove. He heard the medbay doors open and turned around. Once he did it was as if time stopped. She was so amazing. Everytime he saw her his heart beat sped up. "Ah! Hallo zeir liebling!" He said with a smile. The female returned the smile with a smile then asked, "what did you need me for?" Medic glanced at the files still on his desk before saying, "vell. It seems you haven't had your vell fisit." (Y/n) just nodded she was obviously nervous but didn't want to say it.

Medic started the process of the well visit by listening to her heart and breathing using the stethoscope. He talked to her as he worked. He then moved onto checking her ears, eyes, and throat. "You are doing great. Vhy didn't you come down sooner?" He asked hoping it wasn't because of him. As soon as she looked nervous. The female then said, "I don't want you to think of me any differently"
"Vhy vould I?"
"Because if these"
She then proceeded to roll up her sleeves to reveal the scars that littered her arms. To her surprise Medic grabbed her arm gently and ran his fingers over them. He then looked up and said, "oh meine liebe. I vill lofe you no matter vat."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the male. He closed his eyes and left small kisses on her scars.
"ich liebe dich,"the German said softly
The female responded with, "I love you too"

Medic stood up straight and pulled the smaller female into a hug. While he was hugging her he kissed the top of her head. During the hug she had managed to pull her sleeves back down. She cried for a bit while still in his arms but once she was done they pulled away from eachother.

"Lets check your blood pressure zen you can leafe," he said as he grabbed the machine to check her blood pressure. She rolled her sleeves all the way up so he could do what he had to.  But when she looked down she noticed the scars that Medic kissed had gone away. She knew what this meant. He had to be the one.
Once he got back infront of her he noticed she was staring down at her arm.

"Vhat is vrong liebe" he asked with a concerned tone of voice.
"The scars are gone!" She said excitedly. She then continued saying, "which means... Your him." She was smiling a bright smile while staring into his eyes. The tall male look at her confused."I'm vhat?"he asked confused. She just grabbed his tie and pulled him into a kiss. The kiss was soft but also full of passion. Eventually, they separated for air.
"Your my soulmate"

Here is my second oneshot! Sorry it takes me ages to write school makes it hard to write. I hope you enjoyed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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