Chapter 1

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I sighed as I walked down my driveway and towards my mailbox I had circles under my eyes from little sleep and my hair was pretty messy I looked like hell. I dropped my briefcase and opened my mailbox to reveal a letter but this wasn't any old letter the envelope had a seal on it like rich folk use and the writing was in cursive i panicked when I saw his because I knew there was only one person who used that style that would be sending me a letter my blackmailer I brought the letter inside quickly and dumbed my briefcase on the floor.

I walked into the living room and sat on my sofa I had already paid my blackmail for this month so I was confused but I opened the letter:

It will be to your advantage to be present at the boddy mansion on the 25 of October because a Mr. Boddy will bring to an end a certain long-standing confidential and painful financial liability' you will be known as miss rose please dress in formal attire - a friend

"Why would I of all people be invited to a party and by my blackmailer?" I thought confused. I wasn't exactly sure if I should go after all I had college the next morning and I didn't really want to be around my blackmailer whoever he or she may be but a party would be a nice break from all the drama in my life so I decided to go.

I searched threw my closet before finding the most elegant dress I owned which has only worn once at a wedding. It was pink, poofy and fairly long but still showed enough of my legs to get attention. I laid the dress out with the matching shoes, a white feather boa and a string of pearls before heading for a shower. After my shower I got dressed up and did my make-up and hair. I packed a packet of chips in my bag just in case there was nothing I could eat as I'm kind of picky.

I took my mothers car which had been having problems lately but I hoped it was going to get me to the mysterious house with mysterious characters. But just when I thought i was going to make it the car stopped I tried to start it again but it just gave a sort of groaning whining sound and I couldn't walk that far in heels after all I couldn't see the house so it must be a fair bit away. I didn't know the first thing about cars so I just decided to get out and hail down a ride if possible, it was cold outside and I didn't have a coat but I got out anyway.

A couple of cars went by but didn't stop and I stood there shivering hoping that some kind person would. Then out in the distance I saw another car but it looked to been slowing down the closer it got to me until at last it stopped a few feat away. I walked to the passenger side "like a lift?" A man said. "Yes thank you" I said getting in. "I'm late for a dinner party" I said "well where are you going?" He asked "the body mansion" I said taking out my letter. "Wait let me look at that" he said and I handed it to him "that's where I'm going I got a letter like this one" he said handing it back to me.

He started up the car and we drove in silence, I took this opportunity to study his features he has short brown hair and small brown eyes peering at the world from behind his glasses and I guessed he's probably in his forty's. He was quite attractive in my opinion, he turned his head slightly and I looked away before he noticed me staring "it should be just up here" i said looking at my letter he nodded and kept driving. The house then came into sight it was large and dark and a bit daunting "why is he car stopped" I said "it's frightened" he replied before driving again and parking out the front of the house among the other cars.

He got out with his umbrella and came round to my side because I had left mine in my mums car. He opened my door and helped me out and under his umbrella with him. We huddled together as we walked up to the front door, once undercover we stopped huddling and he put his umbrella down. "What a godforsaken place" he said putting his hand on my bum making me blush "weird choice for a dinner party location" I agreed. The door opened and we turned around to face it "professor plum, miss rose I didn't know you were aquatinted" a voice said. "We weren't" I said walking inside and winking at "professor plum" as I did so.

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