Just Wake Up

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I've been waiting for 3 straight days for her to just wake up.  I tell myself that she will be fine but I knew that she isn't going to be fine.  I haven't been home I just have been sleeping and staying here, but I can't leave her all alone in the hospital when she is like this.  But I know maybe just maybe this will be best for her.  I love her sooo much very much actually.  But she doesn't love me the way I want her too I want her to just hold me and love me. 


I've been in this horrible hospital for 3 days.  I've been told to leave on many occasions but what if something happened to Perrie? I couldn't live with that.  She looks beautiful just laying there, but I bet she looks broke in her brain. 

Perrie POV :
I don't want to live anymore, I don't know who I love or who I am.  I lost everyone I love, I lost my family by trying to kill myself.  I have lost Andrea just from trying to kill myself, I can't lose her.  I love her so much. 

I really want her to wake up. I'm all alone just waiting and loving her from a distance... I just want her to wake up. 

"Perrie, I don't know if you can hear me but I love you.  I'm not saying this because I believe you're dying.  I'm saying this because you made me realise you are the one I wanna be with.  You are the one I love, I fucking love you soo much I just want you to hear me" holding her hand I cry into her bed sheets.  All of a sudden I get a light touch on my hand "Andrea I love you so much.  You are like my light in the darkness I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you allow me"

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