Let's Start Over

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The sun is shining through the window, music is playing I wake up to Perrie dancing to circles by Peirce the veil. She was wearing these little white poker dot shorts with a white and blue poker dot vest. She looks so beautiful with the sun bouncing around in between her hair strands, she looks way happier now but I do know she isn't completely okay but time will tell.

I get up and head to the bathroom on the way I keep Perrie on the head. With have been dating for a few weeks now, well actually since she came out of hospital. Making my way to the bath room I get some clothes that I am going to wear today.

Ripped jeans
Doc Martins (Black with white laces)
PTV jumper


Perrie's clothes:
Knee high boots
Ripped and Baggy Tøp T-shirt
Leather jacket

Her hair tied up into a high pony tail. Everything about her looks beautiful,from the way her pony tail sits just under her shoulders. The sun really does bring out the blue of her eyes. I really really love her. I made a choice I picked her, because I love her so much.

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