Carson Whitfield

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"Mom I can't fit all my things in this few of boxes!" Carson said.
"Make it work Carson we have limited space in the uHaul." Carson's mother stated.
Well I guess I have to make this work. My room looks like a tornado just came through it. I was officially doing what I dreaded most in my life, packing everything, my whole life, and moving far away! My mom got a job offer in St. Augustine, Florida doing what she loved best, being in the O.R. (operation room). My mom was the chief of surgery at the Ohio Medical Center. My father worked with the power company. So he would just have to find a new job when we move down, I guess.
I start packing everything and it goes by pretty quickly. I was finishing up and saying my goodbyes to my friends over the phone, because this was so all of a sudden!
"Carson it's time to go!" Mother yelled. "Yes ma'am!" I yelled back! I try to keep my manners with people of higher authority over me. My dad had came in and stood beside me, he said "You know we are moving on to bigger and better things, you will have the world at your fingertips in Florida!" My dad always had a way with words. I gave my dad a huge hug and told him I loved him. He then helped me take all my boxes downstairs to the uHaul. My parents said my room was already furnished. So that means I didn't have to my bed or Chester drawers.
We left this morning around 8:00 and it is now 8:45 p.m. and we are pulling up at our new house. My mom and dad really out did their selves with this house. It is extravagant and so pristine. Did I mention it is on the beach also!! I have always been to the north beaches, but never the south and it's pretty amazing! I wouldn't say our house was a mansion but, it was bigger than just any regular house! Me and my brother Jonah had it great in our lives! Jonah my brother is 2 years younger than me. I am sixteen, but I am turning seventeen this summer!
I just remembered something, we sold my old Honda Pilot back in Ohio because my mom and dad didn't want me driving it all the way down here by myself so they said they were going to get me a new car. I run up to my parents and ask them " When are we going to get my new car?" Excitedly I might add. "Carson dear calm down," my mother chuckled, " we will go do that tomorrow, so be thinking of what kind of car you want!" My mother said. I couldn't help but to feel all bubbly on the inside, I was going to get a NEW CAR!!!!! I started hopping around in circles and my parents looked at me weirdly. "What is wrong with you?" They said in unison. They always had a way of doing that. I loved it so much too, they are the very definition of love to me. They show so much affection towards one another and you can see in their eyes! But back to the car, "Y'all are the best parents any kid could ever ask for and I am so grateful for you!!" I say teary eyed. My mother and father come over and hug me and tell me how grateful they are to have the most wonderful children. Jonah then walks in and looks at me and says to my parents "What's up with her?" He was laughing at me because I was an excited, crying mess. My parents tell him I am just over dramatic.
My parents tell me we already have our beds in our rooms with pillows and blankets, so just sleep there tonight and we will unpack in the morning. So I say my good nights and go up the set of stairs. I walk down the long hallway and go to the first door on the left. I guess this is my room or I would make it my room anyways. It was huge! I love having open space and here I would have a ton. It had a small balcony also, so that you could see the ocean. I looked down and seen that we also have a pool! I guess I am just a little excited to see what is in place for my future. I will most definitely miss Ohio but I have to be open minded. I start looking through my phone at different cars I want and I look at a Range Rover but I don't really want one of those anymore since it's basically hot around here 24/7. I then look at a Jeep. And one in particular caught my eye. It was matte black and a wrangler. The top of the Jeep could also come off! I thought to myself for a moment and decided that, that was what I wanted! I then remembered I was supposed to FaceTime my best friend from back home Jessie when I got here. I then preceded to call her. We had a long conversation and it is now 11:27 and I'm feeling quite tired. So I tell her I will call her back soon and I fell fast asleep.
It was the next morning mom had ran to the supermarket to get some fruit for a fruit salad for breakfast. We are and started unloading all of our things. It took me most of the morning to get my things unpacked and put away. It was around 1:00 o'clock when I decided I was through for the day. I was planning on painting my walls a different shade since it looked so baron in there. But in the meantime I was ready to go get my car! I got my mom and dad and we headed to the car dealership. I see. It sitting out there and I told my parents that's the one. They went inside and did the paperwork. I sat inside our car and waited for them to come out. It is always so boring inside car dealerships and I can't deal with boredom. So while in the car waiting I decided I would research some ways to make new friends in a whole new place. The one that caught my eye was "Go to camp." I then made a mental sticky note to research up on camps later. I seen my parents come out with they keys in hand. "Carson we expect you to be careful and safe in this car!" My parent tell me. "I understand." I tell them in understanding. "You have to go to the DMV and get a car tag so you don't get a ticket, so take this money and go get the tag and you are free to do whatever you want." My father says. I nod and take the money and thank them for everything. I tell them I love them before hopping into the car and checking it out. I love the new car smell.
I then manage to find my way to the DMV and tell them my situation and that I need a car tag. They ask me if I want special lettering on the tag I tell them that I want CARSON on it. I then waited for merely 15 minutes and they handed me my tag and told me I was free to go. I then asked them if they could send somebody out there to put my tag on because I didn't have any tools to do so. They told that were sending someone out right away. I waited by my car and seen this handsome person walking over with a screwdriver. I assumed that's who was putting on my tag. He looked to be around my age if not just a tad older. He walked over and said " Hi, my name is David, are you the one who needs a tag put on?" I then nod nervously because he is so strikingly gorgeous. I hand him my tag and he begins to work. He then asked me "Did you just get this car? It is very nice." I then said "Yes I did, I just moved down here from Ohio. And thank you!" David then proceeded to ask another question "Is your name Carson, because I was looking at your tag and is says CARSON. And no problem." He chuckled. I said to him " That is my name." I seen he was done and I thanked him because I would have never been able to do it. He said "It was his pleasure."
I then decided I would go back home so I could research camp and check out the beach.
It is now 4:15 in the afternoon and I just made it home. I head through the house and out the back door. I throw my messy, curly brown hair into a bun and head down to the beach. I stay out there for about thirty minutes because the wind started getting harsh. As I walked in I was hit with a nice aroma of food. I LOVE FOOD! I ran into the kitchen to see what was being cooked. I was homemade Chicken Parmesan. I looked up at my mom and said " mmmmm my favorite!" She then stated that she knew that already and laughed. I chuckled and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I sat down at my desk with my MacBook on it to do some research. I found a camp in St.Augustine and it had very good ratings. It was a two week long camp. I then emailed the people to see if there was any openings since I would be coming on such short notice. They responded immediately and told me they had a slot opening, they also told me how much money was needed for me to participate and if I had any siblings to bring them with me. I got up and went down to Jonahs room and knocked. He came up to the door and said " What's up sis?" I then asked him "Would you like to go to camp with me for two weeks starting next week?" He then told me "Sure. Why not. I could make some new friends." I then smiled at him and said " That's exactly what I said, I am happy you are coming with me! Be ready on Sunday to go." He then smiled back and told me "okay."
I went back to my room and decided I would start packing for this trip. I seen on the website that there was water activities so I would bring some swimsuits. But wait I need new ones I have outgrown my old ones. Yes I just finally hit my growth spurt. Weird right? I am now 5'7 and very happy with my height. I then decided after dinner I would go buy some new clothes for the trip. I headed down stairs since my mom called us down there for dinner. I went into the dining room and sat down at the very large kitchen table. My parents the brought in the Chicken Parmesan, a bowl full of salad, and some garlic bread sticks. I was very hungry since I haven't ate anything since this morning. I started devouring my food down. "Carson slow down a little bit" my dad chuckled. " I can't dad it is so delicious and I am so hungry!" I stated. Everyone laughed lightly. I then decided to slow down since I was getting full. I had done ate two bowls of salad, my chicken Parmesan, and a three garlic sticks. " Mom, dad, I have a question?" I said. Dad said "Throw it at us." I chuckled and then asked "Can me and Jonah go to a two week camp. It is a local thing and I would be a great way for us to meet new friends-" my mom cut me off "Of course hunny!" My dad then said " We would love for y'all to meet new friends and go in some new adventures here!" I was a bit surprised because I thought I was going to have to beg them. I then proceeded to tell them that is would be 1000$ a piece for us to go and then I stated the tiny details and told them we were leaving out Sunday.
I grabbed my keys out of my bedroom along with my debit card so I could buy some clothes. I then went downstairs and told my parents " I will be back later, I am going to the mall to get some new things Love y'all!" My mom then told me "Alright love, don't be gone to late! Love you!"
I had to use my GPS to find the nearest mall. It was 10 minutes down the road. I head into the mall and see Victoria's Secret right when I walk in. I decided that's where I wanted my swimsuits from. I go into the store and start browsing around. I will say I have all the right curves in all the right places, if you now what I mean. I'm so weird I think to myself. I looked through the bikinis available and found six that really liked. Three of them were the same style just different colors. The bottoms had a ruffle edge all the way around and they were cheeky. The tops had the same ruffle detailing, even on the string that held it together around the neck and back. I got that bathing suit in white, sea foam green, and a pastel pink. I think the colors correspond with my tan skin great. I know I came down from the north but my skin I very tan naturally. One of three others I found is a also a bikini it was a plain black top with royal blue bottoms and the bottoms had a keyhole detail and were cheeky. The second of the three had a pink top and black outlining. The back was not a tie is slipped on over your head and the detail on the back was pink ruffles. The bottoms were Aztec. Third was a bikini it was a front strappy bandeau top and the bottoms were pink and cheeky. I paid for all the swimsuits I had picked out and then went to American Eagle. I bought 7 pairs of shorts. Three of them were high waisted blue jean shorts. 1 pair was white. And the other 3 were just regular blue jean shorts just in different colors of washes. I went into Forever 21 and bought a ton of shirts ranging from crop tops to dresses. Finally I went into Journeys and bought a new pair of black high topped vans, a pair of Birkenstocks , and some chaco's. I knew these things would last me all summer. I had to buy all these things now because we never really had summer up in the north. I am so excited for this summer here in Florida! I was satisfied with what I had bought, and was ready to go back home. I made my way back to the Jeep and started driving home. I got home and got my suitcase out and packed the things I already had at home to take to camp. I had to wash all of my new things I got. I always wash anything new I get. I wouldn't say that's weird but my family thinks it's pretty weird. I then go down to laundry room and start a load of clothes so they will be ready for Sunday since it's Friday now.
I go back up to my room and hop in the shower. I wash my hair with my Ogx Mint scented shampoo and conditioner. I then wash my body with my Peppermint body wash. I love the scent of mint! I get out and towel dry my hair and comb out the tangles of the curls. Finally I head to bed and pass out after a long day.

Authors Note-
This is my first attempt ever writing a book. I come up with an idea in my head and thought I could write something about it. I am going to try to make this a long book because, I know I love long books! Sorry if there is any mistakes I have tried to go through and correct them all but, I can't catch every little flaw! That is all I have to say I guess.
Adios my friends😂

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