Chapter I

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Naruto lets darkness surround him, his consciousness fading away, cutting off his connection to this realm, and opening a dark, new realm before him.

Drip. Drip.

The dank sewers twist and wind in a complex maze of halls. The floor is covered in water, while sewage leaks from the pipes above. Naruto relaxes at the sight.

Slowly, he moves one foot in front of the other, and takes calm steps towards his destination.

The sound of dripping stops as he enters the room. His feet stop only inches away from a massive gate; a sealing. Naruto's eyes set themselves upon the large tag binding the gates to one another.

"Father. . ." he mumbles, looking up at the seal. "I will make you proud today. ." he gives a mighty leap, high up to the tag that binds the gates. His fingers already clutched onto the sandy material, he looks behind the bars.

Dark, red eyes gleam in the pit of darkness behind this door. The eyes watch him carefully; is this brat stupid enough to unlock this gate? He looks straight into them without fear, before giving a courageous shout.


As he says this, Naruto pulls the tag off and jumps from the gate. He drops the tag in mid air and lands lightly in a firm stance a few yards from the gate. There is a moment of silence as Naruto prepares himself.

Suddenly, a deafening Bang! resounds around the space. Four large tails are revealed as they slam open the doors. Naruto grits his teeth in anticipation.

A loud roar follows the destruction of the gate, and forward comes the snout of an enormous creature. His emergence from the everlasting darkness of his previous confinements presents an intimidating figure.

Two large, red eyes glare at the boy before him. His orange fur bristles in excitement at the thought of being rid of this brat for good. A ghastly snarl makes its way to his lips.

Naruto watches the great beast leave its dark space and come forward, into the dim lighting of the sewers. His tremendous form, giant claws and incisors, and bloody red eyes send a chill down his spine.

The mighty creature roars once again, its cry resembling more of a screech, as it walls closer to him. Naruto takes tentative steps back. Soon the creatures full form is revealed to him, and he can see nine large tails swimming behind the monster.

What a fearsome kitsune. Naruto begins to sweat lightly at the challenge presented to him. The monster can see his unrest as Naruto tries to shake himself out of shock.

"What's the matter? Too afraid to follow through with your massive mistake?" The creature jeers in a dark, deep voice that rumbles and resonates throughout the space.

Naruto glares at him. "I'm not afraid of nothin'! Come at me with all ya got! I won't lose, dattebayo!" The giant fox smirks at the boy's words and readies himself.

"Suit yourself, boy. Prepare to die."

Naruto forms the smallest of wind jutsu in the palm of his hand. Information of his family was not the only thing he stole from the Hokage.

Naruto leaps high towards the beast, his jutsu ready. This is all the chakra I can spare for this jutsu! I have to do it right, and I have to do it now!

Naruto and the beast clash.

- - - - -

Naruto still remembers that day, three years ago. He's very fond of the memory. Not because of the battle that ensued, but because of what he gained after.

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