Date endings

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Just a note: GuyFromGa11ifrey! Thank you for correcting my spelling! How embarrassing >////A///<
Damn you English language! XD
I mean at least Allen is all....Right!! Eh?! Eh?!
(I am so sorry ;-;)
I also wanted to thank everyone who has been commenting and favouriting this FanFiction! Please continue to comment! You can also help correct my embarrassing errors ^-^;;

-Link's P.O.V-
Walker and his date somehow managed to leave the cafe quickly enough to the point where we were stuck dealing with the mess 'Glare' made. We had begun searching for them but to no avail and two entire hours had past. I had gotten back into my normal attire as well.

I sighed deeply. I know I needed to report Mr.Lvellie the strange acts of Allen Walker's date. Who was that man really? He took down a man twice his size in one hit, he showed no remorse for cutting a woman's hair off, and he brought several people to their knees with just a glare.

I decided that it would be best if the order interrogated Allen Walker and his soon as we found managed to find the two.

I turned another corner and glanced around, London was huge so the original group decided to split apart so we may find the two quicker. It was now about 14:30 and none of the group was having much luck.

I turned around when a flash white grabbed my attention. I quickly looked over and saw  Walker and his date walking out of a store holding ice cream and chatting away both smiling without a care in the world.

I planned to hide again until I heard Walker's date call out and point to me,"Allen! Isn't that one of your friends?"

-Neah's P.O.V-
I sensed Allen's stalker as soon as he rounded the corner. I didn't really feel like being stalked again so I decided to point him out to Allen. I knew our time together couldn't last much longer so I wanted to end it with a little drama, for fun!

I pointed at him,"Allen! Isn't that one of your friends?"

Allen looked over surprised,"Link-San!"

I could tell that this Link human was startled as soon as I pointed him out but he quickly recovered and walked over to us.

"Walker-San! You were not suppose to leave the order without me! I am suppose to be to be supervising you! I--" the man began harassing Allen and I was getting annoyed but I tuned him out.

Allen put up his hands as an 'I surrender! Please calm down' motion. I watched Allen as he sweat dropped with a small smile on his face. Then this Link human did something that grabbed my attention.

"Walker it is time to go back to the order! You have been out of my supervision long enough!" Link grabbed Allen's wrist before turning to me,"I would also like you to accompany us! I have a few questions to ask you Walker's date!"

I could tell Allen started to panic but I decide to take control of the situation,"First off Mr.Link, I have a name. It's Kai."
I lied to him. I could tell his eyes flared up in disapproval of my words.

"Secondly, I don't remember any permission given that you could tell me when my date ends with Allen." I made my tone no nonsense as I watched him still holding on to Allen's wrist. I already didn't like the human from my time in Allen's head so I was happy to take him down a peg or two. Or kill him....there's not much difference.

"I am Allen Walker's obser--" he began until I cut him of

"Third of all!" I grab Allen's wrist (the one Link's holding) and I raised it up, it holding his wrist at about the level of my head as I stood behind Allen," Please do not touch Allen in such a manner~"

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