Chapter Twenty Two

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"Shadestar! Shadestar! wake up!" Lilykit rubbed Shadestar's nose with her paw. Shadestar groaned and opened her eyes to see Lilykit.

"What is it?" Shadestar asked, and she looked around. Pebblekit was playing pounce the tail with Lightningkit. Sweetkit was still asleep soundly. And Oakkit was pretending that Rainkit was a mouse.

"I wanna see the camp now!" Lilykit asked excitedly.

"Not yet. You're still two young." Shadestar stretched, rising to her paws. Sweetkit slowly opened her eyes and sat up.

"But I'm a whole half moon old now!" Lilykit protested. "It's too crowded in here and I'm bored!" Lilykit whined the last part. Shadestar sighed.

"Not yet. You're still too young."

"But Rainkit can go outside!" Lilykit protested.

"Rainkit is two moons old." Shadestar  meowed.

"But that's not fair!" Lilykit wailed. "I wanna go outside!" She sat down and looked up at her mother with pleading eyes.

"Not yet. Soon, I promise." Shadestar  meowed, licking the young kit's ears. "It's raining outside today. It's better to stay inside. Even Rainkit is staying inside today. Lilykit pouted but she nodded. Pebblekit bounded over to shadestar .

"Mother, I'm hungry." Pebblekit meowed, blinking up at her.

"Me too!" Oakkit bounded over, running into Pebblekit, and the two of them rolled over each other.

"Oakkit, get off!" Pebblekit meowed, shoving the other shekit off of her. Oakkit landed on her back. She looked up, and she rolled over to get on her paws.

"Come, little ones." Shadestar meowed kindly. Pebblekit and Oakkit stopped their tussling, and walked over to their mother, to suckle for their milk. Shadestar looked at them lovingly. Rowanpetal walked into the nursery.

"Hello, Shadestar. Can I see the kits?" Shadestar looked up and nodded. Rowanpetal longed for kits of her own, but she could not bear them. Rowanpetal nodded and she sat down. Lilykit bounded over, her tail held high.

"I'm Lilykit!" She boasted proudly. Sweetkit nuzzled against Shadeflower's belly.

"Hi Lilykit! I'm Rowanpetal!" Rownapetal meowed. The older shecat curled her tail around her paws.

"Guess what! I'm gonna be Lilystar one day!" Lilykit puffed out her chest fur. "And I'll take over the whole lake! We will all be Lilyclan!" Shadestar rolled her eyes while laughing. Lilykit sure did have an active imagination.

"You'll make a fine warrior, young one." Rowanpetal meowed. "And you'd make a fine leader like your mother."

"I wanna be just like Stormfall" Pebblekit mowed, after she was full. "I even look like him!" She boasted. "We have the best father ever!" Rowanpetal smiled.

"You do look a lot like him!" She meowed. Oakkit was tossing a piece of moss around. Oakkit was quite silly and clumsy.

"I wanna play!" Rainkit meowed, leaving Echofoot's side. Echofoot purred.

"Rowanpetal, can you watch the kits while I go to the dirt place?" Shadestar meows standing up. Rowanpetal nodded. Sweetkit stood up, and looked sad.

"Mother, please don't leave." Sweetkit looked up. Shadestar looked at her kit.

"I will be right back, I promise." Shadestar meowed softly and with a loving look in her eyes. Sweetkit looked at her and nodded. Shadestar licked her once. "I love you my dears." She purred. "I'll never leave you, I promise."


Lilykit climbed over shadestar's  shoulders and her paws stepped on one of her ears while shadestar  was trying to sleep. Shadestar mentally rolled her eyes. Pebblekit was laying on the tip of her tail, Sweetkit was snuggled up against her belly fur and Oakkit was laying on her side, snoring. Lilykit was the only one awake.

"Cmon Shadestar wake up!" Lilykit whined, laying down on her back. "I'm bored."

"Lilykit, please go back to sleep. You'll wake the other kits." Shadestar  whispered. Echofoot and her three kits were fast asleep.

"But I'm bored!" Lilykit whined.

"How bout we play the quiet game? Whoever stays the most quiet wins." Shadestar suggested.

"I'll be the quietest!" Lilykit boasted. She then slid off Shadestar's  back and she curled up next to her mother. Shadestar smiled and licked her paws, and she cleaned up her fur a little while watching Lilykit do her best to keep quiet. Slowly the orange and white shekit's eyes drifted shut and the kit fell asleep. Shadestar smiled lovingly at her daughters. They were beautiful and were her world. So was Stormfall and he was being a great father.

Leafbare was coming. Leaf-fall was already upon them, and the days grew colder and colder. She feared the cold weather, it always brought misery. The leaves were falling in ThunderClan territory now, in pretty shades of reds, golds, and oranges. At the thought of ThynderClan, Shadestar's  fur bristled. She held a grudge and a fierce hate for the neighboring Clan. They caused so much pain and misery, and yet ShadowClan had always been labeled as the 'evil' clan. Well they are wrong. The evil clan is ThunderClan. And I will do everything I can to keep my kits safe from them.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now