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Name: "Claire Johnson, at your service!" She smiles

Age: "I'm 18!"

Gender: "I'm pretty sure a don't have a wiener..." she giggles to herself. //female//

Sexuality: "Openly bisexual, hun!"

Occupation: "Walking outside and looking for interesting things to photograph."

Personality: "Most people say I'm really friendly!" She smiles //She's really kind and sweet and she also tries to make new friends but ends up failing because she has no idea what to talk about. she's pretty bad at small talk but really good at making a friendly first impression. she sometimes gets

Species: "Dad is a rabbit and mom is a fox... ima mix of both!"

Height: "5'8"


Likes: "I absolutely LOVE photography!" basically any type of music exept for rock and rap,beenies,plushies,being flustered,camping,spicy things,nature.

Dislikes: She shivers "Tiny holes..." ugh. //When people brag about stuff.Edgy and rude ppl,stupid youtube comments,long lines,ppl pulling her ears,ppl interrupting her when shes taking pictures,closed up spaces,being annoyed,ttg,ppg 2016, dumb youtube rants,mary sues,rejection.//

Turn ons: "W-well... uhh..." she looks away. //Starting slow and softly, Neck kisses, love bites, other//

Turn offs: "Heheh... we're almost done here right..?" //Going too rough, rape, blood, spanking other//

Other: "I've got trypophobia.. wich is fear of holes... don't search it up online.. it's terrifying.." she shivers //She also dreams of being a professional photographer//

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