Goodnight My Love

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This story is gonna be taking place back to the good old days.....2012.
Warning: Major Fluff


"WOOOOOOOO,That show was awesome. Did you guys see the crowd,it was massive.Oh!Oh! and did you guys hear Zayn's high note? It was sick!" Louis started to ramble
"Lou,baby you need to calm down,how about we play some FIFA? yeah?" Harry said to him
"Ummm.....Ok" Louis said grabbing Harry by the hand and walking off 

I laughed at the two of them,they are such an adorable couple,but not as adorable as me and my boyfriend,I then noticed that he wasn't here; I started to walk around to look for and unitl I saw him on stage on the couch,I walked over him and woke him up

"Zayn babe,c'mon wake up" I whispered in his ear

I then heard people 'awning',I looked into what was the crowd and saw about 20 girls taking either a video or a picture. I then smiled and waved at them,I then looked back over to Zayn and started to whisper  sweet things into his ear,Zayn then started to stir a little,he then fluttered his beautiful hazel eyes and then looked at me confused

"Liam...why am I on the stage couch" Zayn asked me in a groggy tone
"You fell asleep babe" I said petting his head
"Can we go back to the hotel please" Zayn said half asleep
"Of course"

I then picked a sleepy Zayn up from the couch and started to walk off stage. I then walked to the car,put Zayn in,walked to the drivers seat and then started to drive off. About 20 minutes later we to the hotel,I got out the car and woke Zayn up

"Zayn we're at the hotel"
"Mmmm?" Zayn groaned 

I decided to pick him. Once we got to the hotel room,Zayn got dressed into his PJ's and then got into the bed. I got into the bed with him and started to run my hands through his hair while whispering inaudible things into his ear,Zayn took my hand and held it. About 10 minutes later he was sound asleep,soft snores coming from his mouth;I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him sleeping and holding my hand(pic at top)

"Goodnight Zayn,I love you" I whispered to him and then fell asleep 

I know,I know it was horrible but it's 2:05 here and I'm tired. Anyways hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter

Amount Words: 391
Love Ya'll

Ziam One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now