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Mark stared at the photo on his screen.

This man was breathtakingly beautiful - much, much more beautiful than he had imagined.

His pushed back hair was bleached to almost white, his brown, tired puppy eyes stood out against it. He had a bit of stubble growing around his chin that was leaning against his large hand. He was obviously lying in bed by the way he was lying, which was ironic considering that he looked like he hadn't slept in years.

He groaned. He was supposed to be doing his shitty maths work, but the photo of this Jackson guy distracted him too much. What was he doing? He shouldn't be feeling like this. He wasn't gay, so what was going on? Why did this Jackson guy suddenly appeal to him?

"Bloody hell, Mark, just do your goddamn homework." he mumbled to himself as he switched his phone off and grabbed his pen.

He answered one question, but he found himself thinking about Jackson yet again. Questions swirled around his mind. Where did he live? Did he live nearby? Does he live alone or with his parents?

Mark slapped himself mentally. Why did he care about Jackson, anyway? It's not like he actually wanted to talk to him in the first place.

But then again, he did start the conversation to begin with, so he must like him somehow. It must be because he hadn't had a proper conversation with anyone in so long. Of course, he has Yugyeom, but he's years younger than him and has better friends to hang around with than Mark. Mark wasn't really one to hang around and talk to people so this felt new to him, so the idea of talking to anyone felt oddly nice to him.

He groaned loudly as he attempted to answer the second question, his mind in one big mess and his feelings all over the place. Jackson Wang had ruined him.

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