Chapter 34

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I sat in the back seat with Zoe while Lucas took us back to the hotel compound and tried to engage her in conversation. Other than at our initial reunion, Zoe had pretty much resorted to one word answers. I tried to draw her out, but she wasn't ready to talk about what had happened to her. She asked what was in the back of the truck and when I told her, she barely reacted. She just turned from me and peered out the window.

She was acting like a husk of the Zoe I knew. What had those men done to her? Maybe should would come around when she saw that we had killed all of them back at the hotel.

"So those people were pretendin' to be gang members?" Rose asked.

"Yes," I said for the second time. She didn't seem to be grasping the concept of them being double agents.

"They comin' back to the motel with us?"

"I ... don't know," I answered honestly.

I had no idea what really came next. Once we got back to the compound, we could leave for the motel. Wesley's people never mentioned that they had a place, but if they were looking for the girls, chances are they had a place to bring them back to. Were the girls even going to come back with us? It was selfish, but I was kind of hoping that Wesley's people took them. We didn't need more bodies to take care of. We were coming back with less mouths to feed. I shook my head violently, refusing to think about Ethan's death and what I would have to say to Chloe. I was the queen of procrastinating.

The hotel was within sight, infected still roaming around. A woman in Wesley's crew was standing in the back of one of their trucks picking them off with deadly precision as we drove up to the compound. How she was keeping her aim straight was a mystery. Lucas brought the truck to a stop and we got out, shooting the nearest infected, no longer concerned with making noise. Once they were dead, we re-entered the building our people meeting us in the lobby.

John limped over to me and gave me a one-armed hug. It was all her could to without toppling over thanks to his injured leg.

"Glad to see you," he said.

He looked from me to Zoe with a smile. "And you too, Zoe."

They had their own awkward embrace, Zoe slinking off to the side when they were done.

"Who are they?" John jerked his chin at Wesley's crew.

They were all on red alert with their guns at the ready as they entered the lobby.

"That would be the gang the mercenaries were dealing with," I said.

When John's eyes bulged, I continued. "They aren't really a gang; they were just acting so they could gain access to this compound and free the girls."

"Wesley?!" one of the girls cried out and ran to him straight across the lobby, leering eyes be damned.

He scooped her up and swung her around, placing a wet sounding kiss on her head. "Mary." He was practically in tears. They pulled apart and started kissing until it became awkward.

Mercer cleared his throat until they toned it down, but he had a small smile on his face as he did it. John pulled me away from the scene by placing a hand on my shoulder. "I don't see Ethan."

I dropped my eyes. "He got bit."

"Oh God Bailey, I'm so sorry."

Why was he telling me he was sorry? He should be feeling sorry for Ethan—he was the one who was gone. But I guess the dead were just that—dead. They weren't the ones left to pick up and carry on. That was for the living.

"Where ...?" John asked.

"Just outside here. He saved me from a pile of infected," I said, struggling to relive it. I'd rather pretend it didn't happen. "His body is in the back of the truck. I couldn't just leave him there."

"We'll give him a proper burial when we get back, along with Leo," John said. "That way everyone can say goodbye."

By everyone he meant Chloe, he just didn't say it. Wesley walked over to us with Mary tucked under his arm. He looked like he wouldn't be letting her out of his sight for a while.

"Thank you," he said sincerely. "They took my love here." Mary smiled at his words. "And I wouldn't rest until I found her." Wesley looked back at his crew before adding, "Would your people want to come with us? We built a little community on a small plot of farm land. Nothing fancy, but there's some walls and roof to sleep under," Wesley offered.

"Thank you, but we have some people waiting for us," I said.

"Well, our doors will always be open for you should you change your mind," Wesley said. He crooked his finger. "Mercer come here."

Mercer walked over as he pulled out some paper from his jacket pocket. He scribbled some stuff down and handed it to me. It was directions.

"When you get back to your people, this is how you'll find us," Wesley said. "Now, let's get these girls outta here."

Most of the girls had decided to go with Wesley thanks to Mary's coaxing. Only a handful decided to come with us, which was the best-case scenario at this point. We couldn't take on the burden of thirteen more mouths. Sheri was wary of their crew at first, but Mary explained how she loved and trusted Wesley. After all, he had become like an undercover cop to find her.

I helped Rose get Leo's body into the back of our truck alongside Ethan's. I took a moment to say something while Rose rejoined the others standing by the front of the truck.

I'm so sorry Ethan. You gave your life to save me and to find my best friend; to help rid this world of some truly bad men. I wish that you were still here and that I could still see you run your hand through your hair or laugh with Chloe. I promise you that I will take care of her. I will treat her like my own sister. We all will. Goodbye, Ethan.

I dabbed at the small tear hanging from the corner of my eye. I meant every word.


A/N: The last update this Friday will be the epilogue and a few notes.

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