Chapter Four

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Collin Wesley had ended up calling me a few hours after my interview to tell me I was hired. I could barely believe it and Will didn't believe it. It just felt too easy. But then Will and I had researched the school and found out why I'd gotten the job so easily. It was rated half a star on Glassdoor. Still, I was going to make around three hundred a week, and I wasn't going to complain about that. It was more than what I made before.

So on Monday morning, my first day at the school, I woke up eager and ready to see how the day would go. I dressed in the same outfit I wore to my interview, since it was one I knew worked. After dropping off Elliot, I was out the door.

This time I wasn't as nervous going up to the school. Although now I knew it was a school for delinquents, I figured it couldn't be that bad. So I marched up to the front doors with confidence, reaching out my arms to push them open.

When the door didn't budge, m , and the momentum of my body sent me face-first into the door. I stumbled backwards a few steps in shock. My nose throbbed in pain as I quickly looked around to make sure no one had witnessed that. I blushed at my stupidity. Of course the door would be locked. I tried every single door of the front entrance, just to find out that all of them were locked. Scowling, I pressed my face to one on the far right, peering in. Hopefully someone walking by would notice me and open the door. Where was the guard? And why hadn't they given me a key? As a teacher, wouldn't I need one? I couldn't find a visitors button either.

When five minutes passed and no one did, I groaned in frustration. Maybe there was a different entrance I missed. I didn't want to be late. So I marched back down the steps and rounded the corner of the building, hoping to find a side door. The ground went from being paved to being made out of gravel. I could feel it crunching under my flats.

A shout of pain met my ears and my head snapped up instantly, looking around frantically. When I didn't see anyone, I relaxed slightly, but kept myself wary. Another cry of pain came and I realized it was coming from my right. Was there a fight happening? Slowly, I crept along the edge of the building, coming to an alleyway. I heard voices now. And they sounded threatening. My heart rate began to climb as I kept myself hidden behind the school wall, listening hard.

There was definitely a fight going on.

"I thought you guys came here to fight, not get the shit beaten out of you?" someone said in a taunting voice.

"You couldn't hurt me with those tiny fists even if you tried," another person retorted.

"Well how about I try and find out now?"

There was the sound of skin hitting skin and a low groan. I flinched back. What the heck was I supposed to do? These people were fighting! Was I supposed to pretend that I hadn't noticed? But what if someone got hurt? Swallowing my fear, I stepped out into the entrance. My eyes landed upon four guys dressed in the school's uniform; black slacks, a white button-down shirt, a black jacket, and a navy tie.

Two of the menthem were on the ground. Well more like, one with short brown hair was lying on the ground, being punched in the face repeatedly by the other, who had shaggy mahogany colored hair. The one being punched had blood all over his face and the arm trying to cover his face was covered in tattoos. I stared at the pair horrified for a moment, before turning to the other two. One of them was tall and had dark colored hair. He was dodging punches being thrown by the other man, who had dirty blonde hair. The tides suddenly changed as the umber haired boy threw a punch, lightly nicking the blonde.

No one had noticed me yet, and I was doing all I could to stop myself from running away. I had to stop these guys before they killed each other! I took a few nervous steps closer to the men. Suddenly, my foot slipped and I fell over backward, letting out a yelp of surprise. I landed on my butt hard and winced, squeezing my eyes shut. All sounds of fighting immediately ceased and I felt my heart skip a beat.

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